Justice League DCEU Movie Rumors Shot Down By Nightwing Director Chris McKay
A batch of Justice League DCEU rumors basically gets shot down by The LEGO Batman Movie director Chris McKay w…
A batch of Justice League DCEU rumors basically gets shot down by The LEGO Batman Movie director Chris McKay w…
Hasbro has revealed their list of panels for the upcoming Hascon which includes Marvel, Star Wars, Transformer…
Spider-Man: Homecoming has already exceeded film industry estimates and expectations as it has netted a big $1…
Spoilers, ahoy! The Spider-Man: Homecoming post credit scenes have leaked online! Spider-Man: Homecoming has t…
It looks like it might be Spider-Man’s turn to own Wonder Woman as the DC vs Marvel wars continue with t…
Joan Lee, the wife of legendary comic book creator Stan Lee, died quietly today in Los Angeles at the age of 9…
Check out a new look at Jason Momoa, Amber Heard and director James Wan from the set of Aquaman out of Austral…
Spider-Man: Homecoming opens tonight with advanced screenings and looks to open big at the box office. Accordi…
Samuel L. Jackson returns to the MCU with Captain Marvel! Deadline confirms Samuel L. Jackson will be bac…
With Spider-Man: Homecoming opening today with advanced screenings, it’s learned Spider-Man will be a pa…
Following the earlier set images revealing an injured Doctor Strange, now the latest set pics for The Avengers…
Today sees the release of Spider-Man: Homecoming with advanced Thursday night screenings. While promoting the …
With the Green Lantern Corps movie said to be about three years away, a recent rumor stated that Rise of the P…
Fans of The Dark Knight Trillogy look to be in good hands with Batman director Matt Reeves. Yahoo caught up wi…
With War for the Planet of the Apes just about here, attention is turning to the new Batman movie. Fandango ca…
Marking a first for a Marvel studios movie, director James Gunn announces Guardians of the Galaxy 2 will be re…
Jeremy Renner has apparently injured his arms. Just Jared spotted the Hawkeye actor at the LAX airport where R…
A new contest for the Justice League movie is now up and running with the Cyborg puzzle. The Justice League mo…
SDCC 2017 Exclusives & Debutsfrom IDW & Top Shelf IDW is ready for San Diego Comic-Con Internat…
Disney released a new spot for their new Marvel’s Spider-Man animated series. Bring on the baddies! Catc…