Ash For President Viral Campaign Launched


Following on the heels of the first episode premiere at the NYCC, it’s now learned Starz has launched a viral site for Ash Vs. Evil Dead with “Ash For President.”

A Twitter account was established following last month’s Republican debate, and a Tumblr account and web site have also been launched touting to vote for Bruce Campbell’s character, Ash, from Ash Vs. Evil Dead.

“What we saw last night was horsesh-t and it’s become clear to us just what America needs: #Ash4President. Join us!” the first tweet reads.

“This debate has more issues than our middle school years,” stated the most recent tweets posted. “Can’t we just challenge Putin to a shirtless arm wrestling contest? On a horse?”

The Ash4President web site also features an “Ash-Roots” movement with promo posters, polls and campaign gear that is unfortunatley said to be: “fresh out bummer.”

Chances are you, or someone you know, has suffered at the hands of a filthy, stinking Deadite. The question is, what does your chosen presidential candidate plan to do about it? If they aren’t on the frontlines with a chainsaw for a hand then they ain’t shit. Ashley James “Ash” Williams solemnly swears to kick ass, take names (numbers too if it’s a hot lady) and smile while doing it. You’re welcome.

“Ash Vs. Evil Dead” premieres October 31st at 9pm ET on Starz.

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