Alec Baldwin Playing Batman’s Father In Joker Movie

Alec Baldwin Playing Batman's Father In Joker Movie

The Joaquin Phoenix Joker movie has cast Alec Baldwin in the role of Thomas Wayne, which in the comics is the father to the young Bruce who eventually becomes the Batman.

As this Joker movie is standalone and not a part of regular continuity, it’s said Alec Baldwin’s version of Bruce Wayne is comparable to – get this – “a cheesy and tanned businessman who is more in the mold of a 1980s Donald Trump.”

Alec Baldwin is actually known for making fun of President Trump on various Saturday Night Live skits and is a big liberal supporter.

Controversy hit surrounding the actor last year when it was learned his close friend James Toback was accused by 38 women of sexual harrassement, which saw Baldwin claim he didn’t know anything, and never talked to his friend about his sex life.

Alec Baldwin also recently blasted his 22-year-old model daughter for posting a sexy shot of herself in a bikini with cowboy boots on a motorcycle on Instagram. When she was only eleven, he previously called his daughter a “rude, thoughtless little pig.”

Regarding the Joker movie, also on board the cast includes Robert DeNiro, who also recently f-bombed President Trump at New York’s Radio City Music Hall when introducing Bruce Springsteen.

“F— Trump!” he roared, which was aired on TV and met with a standing ovation by the celebs in attendance. “I’m gonna say one thing,” he said. “F— Trump! It’s no longer ‘Down with Trump.’ It’s f— Trump!”

Note: The only reason I’m reporting this about Baldwin and DeNiro is because I don’t want current politics (whatever side you are on) affecting movies that I would probably enjoy. There’s just no need to do it as inevitably you are going to sideline a specific group of fans, which is no good for anyone making the movie or its fans. Is the Joker movie some sort of left-slanted liberal comic book flick? How has it been working for the various Hollywood awards show ratings?



Getting back to the Joker movie, Robert DeNiro is said to be playing a talk show host; Deadpool 2’s Zazie Beetz is playing a single mom who catches the interest of the man who will become the clown prince of crime; Marc Maron is an agent responsible for getting the Joker on DeNiro’s show, with American Horror Story‘s Frances Conroy and Josh Pais also cast in the flick.

Todd Phillips is directing from a screenplay he co-wrote with writer Scott Silver (The Fighter). The film will be produced by Emma Tillinger Koskoff and executive produced by Richard Baratta.

The Joker movie has been said to start filming in September for its October 4, 2019 release date.

The plot has been described as centering around the iconic arch nemesis of Batman and is an original, standalone story not seen before on the big screen. Director Todd Phillips’ exploration of a man disregarded by society is not only a gritty character study, but also a broader cautionary tale.

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