Agents of SHIELD / Hydra Mack Teaser


Following the Phil Coulson teaser, now check out an “Agents of Hydra” teaser for Mack, played by Henry Simmons.

Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD returns next Tuesday as the crew have found themselves in the alternate reality utopia of the Framework. The last episode revealed that Mack has a family, something which he apparently regrettted not having in the real world. The Framework removes people’s regrets, which has seen SHIELD replaced by Hydra!

“What If” Episode synopsis:

Hail the New World Order! Daisy and Simmons uncover secrets and lies in a world gone mad. With Hydra in control, they are our only hope to save everyone.

Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD also stars Clark Gregg as Agent Coulson, Chloe Bennet as Daisy, Ming-Na Wen as May, Iain De Caestecker as Fitz, Elizabeth Henstridge as Simmons and Jason O’Mara as Mace.

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