Advanced Review: X-O Manowar #8


There has been a tense truce made between two completely different warriors. One has the guile and skill of the world’s top assassin, the other is a brash, brutal, headstrong warrior that barges into battle with a cry on his lips and a sword in his hand. Together they must put their animosity aside in order to do something no one else can — save the world!

Robert Venditti continues to steer Valiant’s flagship title to new heights of amazement! Issue eight is a tense, testosterone fueled cornucopia of mass destruction that will make you giddy with excitement. Secret government agents, disguised aliens, the British air force, lasers, throwing stars, a flying Visigoth, spin kicks and two sword wielding warriors! What doesn’t this book have? In a word — NOTHING! This issue is an absolute insane trip of action at it’s best and it will only get better from here! But, don’t think it is just all about devastation and mayhem either. 

Venditti has sown in some very interesting plot twists amidst the chaos of battle as well. The status quo of the Valiant Universe will begin to shift due to the actions taken in this issue. Characters are evolved past their “supporting cast” roles and it will make for some very interesting plotlines in the upcoming issues. We will begin to see things develop that have been hinted at since issue one, but Aric may not be ready for the subtlety it will take to dwell in this modern world. It is about to become a much darker place in the Valiant Universe and this issue is the one that will eventually lead to the widely anticipated “Planet Death” storyline coming in 2013!

If you are ready for an action packed issue that will completely blow you away — wait no longer! Storm your local comic shop and demand for it by name! X-O Manowar! The best flagship title you can get your grubby little hands on!

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