Adi Shankar Producing Castlevania Animated Series Written By Warren Ellis


Up next for Adi Shankar, the producer behind the popular Power Rangers Fan-Film, the Punisher fan-films as well as The Grey and Dredd, has announced he is producing a Castlevania animated series, which will be written by Warren Ellis.

Shankar first made the announcement on Facebook with: “I’m producing a super violent Castlevania mini-series with my homies Fred Seibert and Kevin Klonde. It’s going to be dark, satirical, and after a decade of propaganda it will flip the vampire sub-genre on its head.”

Shankar also let it be known that comic scribe Warren Ellis is writing the Castelvania series: “Oh … one last thing about the Castlevania mini-series … Warren f—ing Ellis wrote the script … and it’s awesome aka very Warren Ellis … … mic drop.”

Further details are made known from Shankar in an interview with Collider that include mention the story is being based on the Castlevania III: Dracula’s Curse video game and that Akira, Ghost in [the] Shell, Ninja Scroll, and Young Justice influence the look of the series.

“There will be a lot [of violence and gore],” Shankar offered.  “The goal is to bring hard hitting anime to the America and be America’s first animated series for adults.”

Update: The Facebook posts have been deleted.

Breaking News: I’m producing a super violent Castlevania mini-series with my homies Fred Seibert and Kevin Klonde. It’s…

Breaking News: Oh … one last thing about the Castlevania mini-series … Warren f—ing Ellis wrote the script … and it’s awesome aka very Warren Ellis … … mic drop.

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