The Flash Producer Teases DCEU Reboot


The Flash producer and sister to the director, Barbara Muschietti, seemingly teases a soft DCEU reboot with mention made that the movie “restarts everything.”

“Well, I want you to go see it, so I’m not going to tell you a lot. But what I will tell you that it’s a ride. It’s going to be fun and exciting and there are a lot of DC characters in it. Flash is the superhero of this film because he is the bridge between all of these characters and timelines. And, in a way, it restarts everything and doesn’t forget anything,” Barbara Muschietti cryptically revealed during today’s DC FanDome panel for The Flash.

As the movie will feature the return of the Michael Keaton Batman as well as Ben Affleck as Batman, Barbara Muschietti also revealed that Ezra Miller’s Barry Allen will serve as the link between the timelines.

The Flash is confirmed to be a DC Multiverse movie as the film has been described as following Barry Allen breaking the bonds of physics to crash into various parallel dimensions, where Barry will encounter different versions of DC’s superheroes and also that Barry goes back in time to save his mother which causes changes to the timeline where The Flash connects to a new universe, the Michael Keaton Batman ’89 universe.

Director Andy Muschietti also again confirmed the movie is inspired by the “Flashpoint” story, but previously he teased it will be a “different version of ‘Flashpoint’ than you’re expecting.”

Last Summer at the San Diego Comic-Con, DC insiders filled me in plans for a soft reboot of the DCEU. 

Check out the concept art below featuring the Michael Keaton Batman and the new suit for Ezra Miller released at the first DC FanDome virtual convention.

The Flash opens June 3, 2022, and Warner Bros. has also confirmed “other members of the Justice League” for the movie including possibly Cyborg Ray Fisher.

The Flash concept art:

The Flash Michael Keaton Batman Concept Art

The Flash new costume concept art

The Flash Concept art

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