The Batman Rumored Release Date and Villain


With The Batman said to be in pre-production, the rumors have been flying, with the latest being about a potential release date and villain, in addition to an update on the possibility of Jack O’Connell playing the role.

Regarding a possible release date for The Batman, an article at Forbes speculates that since the movie is to start filming later this year, that production wouldn’t be completed until some time next year, which means a Summer 2021 release date. It’s also said that if things don’t go smoothly, the film could always be pushed back to 2022. Nolan’s Dark Knight movies were released in July (Batman Begins in June), so a Summer release date for the new Matt Reeves version seems likely.

The Batman Jack O'Connell

In regards to Jack O’Connell donning the cape and cowl, it appears to only be a rumor as the article claims the actor has not had any discussions with Warner Bros. to play Batman as of yet. It is said Matt Reeves’ script does feature a younger Caped Crusader and is complete with various edits and tweaks happening, which is normal. It’s further said it is doubtful Ben Affleck will be back as Batman because Matt Reeves’ script would require significant changes.

For the villain, it is claimed Penguin is one of the few villains who will appear in the movie. Reportedly, Penguin was going to be the villain of the Margot Robbie Harley Quinn Birds of Prey film, but was replaced by the Black Mask, so Penguin could debut in the Matt Reeves The Batman.

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