Watch Arrow’s Shocking Ending!



Did. Not. See. That. Coming.

Tonight saw the mid-season finale of Arrow, which saw Oliver Queen hook up with Susan at the end. Ollie leaves her apartment and gives Susan a good-bye kiss as he heads to the lair. As Oliver enters the lair, a figure is seen in the shadows. It's Laurel! She turns and says, "Hi, Ollie." Oliver Queen is then shown in shock.

Last we saw of Laurel was just last episode with the big DC TV Invasion crossover in which the alien Dominators played tricks with Oliver's mind to make him think he was in a world where Laurel was still alive, and he was going to marry her.

Now we see, apparently, Laurel is back in flesh and blood. This can't be another trick, right? That would be way too cheesy. I also don't think we can blame the return of Laurel on The Flash as Laurel would have already been back if it was Flashpoint related. Another possibility could be the Legends of Tomorrow. Laurel's sister, White Canary, is currently leading the Legends of Tomorrow. While White Canary has said on more than once occasion that she wants to go back and kill her sister's murderer, Damien Darhk, she knows it will cause a time quake. Maybe Laurel has changed her mind? Or maybe some other time disturbance has caused the death of Damien Darhk and stopped the death of Laurel. Or maybe Laurel never died in the first place?!

Guess we'll have to wait for the answers as Arrow returns in January.

Watch the clip of Laurel's return and death below.

Update: Stephen Amell comments on the return of Laurel.

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