Now Michelle Rodriguez Says To Write Our Own Mythology & Stop Being Lazy (Video)


Lately, Hollywood has been replacing white characters with minority actors, and while their spiel is usually “the best actor got the job,” some think it to be a form of racial diversity.

Earlier saw Fast and Furious actress Michelle Rodriquez questioned about potentially playing Green Lantern, with Rodriguez laughing it off and suggesting Hollywood stop replacing white superheroes and come up with their own.

Now Rodriguez has taken to her Facebook page to further clarify her statements.

You can watch the video below or check out the text:

Yeah, guys, I want to clarify about my comment yesterday. I stuck my foot in my mouth once again, and I said that people should stop trying to steal white people’s superheroes. I guess it got taken out of context ’cause a lot of people got offended or whatever. I have a tendency to speak without a filter. Sorry about that. 

What I really meant was that ultimately at the end of the day there’s a language, and the language that you speak in Hollywood is successful franchise. I think there are many cultures in Hollywood – that are not white – that can come up with their own mythology. I mean we all get it from the same reservoir of life. The fountain of life, and it doesn’t matter what culture you come from. I’m just saying that instead of trying to turn a girl character into a guy, or instead of trying to turn a white character into a black character or a latin character, I think that people should stop being lazy. People should actually make an effort in Hollywood to develop their own mythology. And you know what? If being American is your mythology, and the American culture is deep embedded into who you are and what makes you or the archetype that you are trying to portray in a Hollywood feature or in a comic book — so be that, but I’m just saying that the different cultures from around the world that are in Hollywood – latin, black, asian, so on and so forth – considered “minorities,” because there are not a lot of writers representing them, they should start focusing that on making that a serious priority.

It’s not about taking Catwoman or Superman or Green Lantern or whatever these characters are and trying to make them fit to whatever cultural background you are. I just feel like it should be more creative than that. I think that people need to stop being lazy. That’s what I meant by my comment. You know, I’m taking it to heart as well. I’m considering this while I am out there coming up with projects to do and things to write. I just think it’s time to stop. Stop trying to take what’s already there and try to fit culture into it. I think it’s time for us to write our own mythology and our own story. Every culture. That’s what I really mean, and I am sorry if it came off rude or stupid. It’s not what I meant.

So cheers.


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