First look at Bran Stark In Game Of Thrones Season 6


Game Of Thrones Season 6 Teaser

Absent from Season 5, we now get a first look at Bran Stark in Game of Thrones Season 6. debuted the images along with actor Isaac Hempstead-Wright (who has a new hair cut and has grown to 6 feet tall) offering:

“When I first heard the news Dan and David wanted to have a chat with me, I was like, ‘Oh no!’ ”recalls Hempstead-Wright, who has grown to nearly six feet and cut his hair much shorter since we last saw him completing his journey north to meet the mysterious Three-Eyed Raven. “Usually that’s to tell you [your character is] dead. So comparatively, missing a season was like, ‘phew!’ 

On Max von Sydow playing the Three-Eyed Raven:

“There are certain lines that you think are almost fillers, like, ‘He’s over there,’ but when Max von Sydow says them, he can make it sound like it’s the most important news you’ve ever heard.”

On what’s to come for Bran:

“Previously Bran’s seen tiny glimpses of future or past but never has he been very much in control in the situation. Now we’re given looks into very important events in the past, present and future of this world and Bran is beginning to piece them together like a detective, almost as if he’s watching the show. Equally, he’s now discovering how crucial he could be in the Great War. It’s quite Inception-y.”

“Game of Thrones” Season 6 airs in April on HBO.

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