Now Kevin Feige Blamed For Avengers 2 Failure


Shots are now fired from both sides and a true Civil War has erupted within Marvel.

Earlier saw news of the split between Marvel Studios and Marvel CEO billionaire extraordinaire and the Marvel Comics Creative Committee.

Kevin Feige has taken the movie branch under his wing, and left Marvel TV and publishing (Comics) under Perlmutter.

Many reports have been hitting the net from a variety of sites lying blame with Perlmutter and the MCC, which consists of Joe Quesda, Brian Bendis, Alan Fine and Dan Buckley.

A couple of the reports suggested Feige had enough with Perlmutter’s frugality and the MCC’s slow process, with it mentioned both the “failure” of Avengers: Age Of Ultron and creative development on Captain America: Civil War were to blame and reasons used by Feige to leverage Marvel Studios away from Perlmutter.

Regarding The Avengers 2, the same site that first reported on Feige using the failure of Avengers 2 as leverage, is now stating sources close to Marvel have filled them in the blame actually lies with Feige.

According to Bleeding Cool, they heard rumors a while back that the “extensive and expensive re-shoots on the movie could have been avoided if Feige had been receptive to notes” — with the notes of course coming from Perlmutter’s Marvel Creative Committee.

The report goes on to suggest Feige’s people have been using various sites to finger-point, i.e. provide spin, that makes it look as if Feige is in the right and Perlmutter is in the wrong.

It’s also suggested Feige surrounds himself by “yes-men” as a former employee in Marvel’s film division is said to have offered: “if you want a target on your back, just say no to Kevin.”

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