Evans & Renner In The Hot Seat Following Black Widow “Slut” & “Whore” Jokes


Perhaps the press tour for The Avengers 2 has gone on just a little too long (for both the actors and the fans).

Just the other day saw Robert Downey Jr. walk out an interview, and now both Chris Evans and Jeremy Renner are in the hot seat.

Evans, who plays Captain America, and Renner, who plays Hawkeye, both participated in an interview with the Digital Spy (watch above).

When it was brought up that fans’ had hoped Black Widow would have been linked romantically to either one of their characters, Renner responded with a straight face, “She’s a slut.”

Evans laughed and agreed with him saying, “I was going to say something along that line… a complete whore.”

Renner then added, “Trick, man.” With Evans laughing about “she’s a slut.”

The interviewer – who is female – then went with it and and added, “Whatever movie it is, she’ll be just the sidekick. She’ll be flirting away…”  

“That’s right,” Renner agreed.

“Just flirting with everybody,” Evans said.

“She has a prosthetic leg anyway,” Renner said.

“Leading everybody on,” joked Evans, with the interviewer laughing along with them.

Note: The remarks were not made about Scarlett Johansson, but about the fictional Marvel character Black Widow. However, that didn’t deter fans as many took to social networks to voice their dissatisfaction for the Avengers actors’ behavior.

Evans has since apologized as his rep sent USA Today the following:

“Yesterday we were asked about the rumors Black Widow wanted to be in a relationship with both Hawkeye and Captain America. We answered in a juvenile and offensive way that rightfully angered some fans. I regret it and sincerely apologize.”

Update: Renner also released the following:

“I am sorry that this tasteless joke about a fictional character offended anyone. It was not meant to be serious in any way. Just poking fun during an exhausting and tedious press tour.” 

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