X-Men A Part of Marvel Phase 4

X-Men Marvel Phase 4

It’s being said the X-Men and Fantastic Four at Marvel Studios is already a done deal and is just awaiting the approval of the merger between Disney and Fox Studios.

Someone claiming to have attended a speaking engagement with some high-level Fox production crew members offered the following regarding the Fox-owned Marvel characters coming to Disney:

  • It’s said X-Men: Dark Phoenix will be the last Fox Marvel movie and the last in that franchise’s continuity. It’s further said the crew behind the movie has already been thanked for their services and won’t be needed when everything moves over to Disney.
  • It’s said Kevin Feige is “hoovering up” all of the Fox-Marvel characters and is already planning on them for Phase 4, which includes the X-Men, Deadpool and Fantastic Four (my note: hoovering-up means “to suck [something] into a vacuum cleaner, irrespective of brand.”) 
  • It’s not known how the Fox-Marvel characters will become a part of the MCU or with what actors.
  • The person also claims that a lot of X-Men: Dark Phoenix is indeed getting reshot, and he got the impression that Fox Studios isn’t happy with writer/director Simon Kinberg ,”as he did not plan ahead enough during the actual shoot for this eventuality, so it was incumbent upon the digital effects department to ‘re-build’ entire sets that had already been scrapped. Not good!”

A previous report stated the X-Men and related characters will be back at Disney some time next year either early Summer or by the end of Summer at the latest.

(via comicgenre.com)


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