X-Men ’97: Still No Nielsen Ratings After 4 Episodes

x men 97 four episodes nielsen ratings


  • X-Men ’97 is missing from the Nielsen ratings charts, raising questions about its success
  • The show has also not made it onto the SambaTV charts, which is invested in by Disney
  • The original X-Men show from the 90s had 23 million viewers, but it seems that the current Disney and Marvel brands may have damaged the viewership

Despite having four episodes released, X-Men ’97 is still missing from the Nielsen ratings charts, which has led to questions if the show is successful.

Nielsen releases viewership numbers for ALL the episodes released within a week’s time, where we see X-Men ’97 is again nowhere to be found.

The numbers for the week of April 1 – April 7 have now become available where we see at the bottom is The Magic Prank Show with only 274 minutes (millions) viewed.

nielsen ratings april 1 7 2024
Screenshot via Nielsen April 1 – 7

Likely similar to What If..? Season 1

X-Men ’97 can’t even make it to 274? Wow. Once again, joining Ms. Marvel, after four weeks, X-Men ’97 is a no-show on the ratings charts.

For a comparison, after four episodes, She-Hulk saw 493 minutes (millions), and it’s not getting a Season 2.

What If? Season 1 did make the Nielsen charts after four episodes with 235 minutes, but it wouldn’t have made this chart.

What that could say is that X-Men ’97 could be on par with What If…? in terms of viewers, which I think goes to show that some animated shows simply don’t have a large audience, at least when it comes to Marvel and the MCU on Disney+.

What if…? Season 2 did make the charts but Marvel dropped all the episodes within a week, so maybe there is an argument to binge-release these shows instead of weekly releases.

samba tv charts april 1 7
Via Samba TV

Absent from Disney-invested Samba TV’s charts

The four X-Men ’97 episodes also haven’t made the SambaTV charts, where Disney is an investor.

SambaTV releases more up to date numbers, and X-Men ’97 also hasn’t made their charts as of April 28 with seven episodes released in that timeframe.

morph x men 97 disney

How come no one is watching?

That said, this is “X-Men” we are talking about and the original show from the ’90s had 23 million viewers, according to the Wiki page.

Supposedly everyone loves the show and it “trends” all the time. Where did all the fans go, and how come no one is watching?

I’ve been asked the same questions on Twitter, and I also think it shows how damaged the Disney and Marvel brands have become in the eyes of the fans.

Disney ruined Star Wars and Marvel, and only the hardcore fans are left watching on Disney+ (same fans that went to see The Marvels, and we know how that turned out) — The Bad Batch also doesn’t make the ratings charts and has three seasons out.

It can probably be argued that these shows would perform better on Netflix.

That said, X-Men ’97 has already been greenlit for a Season 2, so apparently Disney is either happy with whatever numbers they are getting and/or they are happy to keep the small number of subscribers happy who watch these shows.

Will there be a Season 3, Season 4 (second season is already written but showrunner has been fired)?

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