WWE’s The Miz Wants To Play Booster Gold


Back last September saw a live-action Booster Gold movie announced to be in development from Arrow and The Flash‘s Greg Berlanti.

Now WWE’s Mike “The Miz” Mizanin throws his name into the mix as a possible contender to play the time travelling super hero.

The Miz fills in UpRoxx that he would like to be in a DC or Marvel movie, but since Deadpool is taken, he would like to play Booster Gold.

My dream project? I mean, I think anyone’s dream project right now is how amazing the Marvel/DC comic book era is really coming together and really blowing up the scene. Anytime you have a movie, it’s breaking records, it’s doing great things, so obviously I’d want a Marvel character.

Obviously, Deadpool is already taken and Ryan Reynolds did an absolutely fantastic job. That was always my dream role ever since I saw the video game seven years ago, I was like “Oh my god, I want to play this guy!” But, Ryan Reynolds took it and knocked it out of the park and did an absolutely incredible job, so I can’t fault him at all. But I think anyone would want to do Marvel or DC, maybe WWE can combine with them and do something, but you never know.

Yeah, I mean a lot of the main ones are kind of taken. I’ve always wanted to play Booster Gold.

Details for the Booster Gold movie include that it will be separate from the DCEU Justice League movies. 

“As of right now we have no connective tissue to those worlds,” Berlanti told Vulture when asked if the Booster Gold movie would be part of the DCEU. “It’d be a separate thing.”

The Miz can also bee seen in The Marine movies.

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