The Wolverine 2 Gets Green Lantern & Blade Runner 2 Writer


The sequel to The Wolverine continues to move forward as Michael Green is writing the script.

Green is known for the Green Lantern movie and wrote the script for Blade Runner 2 and Prometheus 2.

The Wolverine 2 is said to be Hugh Jackman’s final movie portraying Wolverine (I’m guessing Fox is going to reboot the X-Men to bring the characters to the here-and-now).

James Mangold will also be back to direct and is advising on the script.

The Wrap reports Mangold was originally tapped to direct The Deep Blue Goodbye, but the movie has been shelved due to Christian Bale hurting his knee, leaving Mangold able to fully focus on The Wolverine 2, which hits theaters on March 3, 2017.

The Wolverine netted Fox over $414 million in 2013.

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