William Shatner Trolls 4Chan Over Star Wars: “Get A Life!”

William Shatner Trolls 4Chan Over Star Wars: "Get A Life!"

Star Trek vs. Star Wars! It’s back on!

With the release of Star Wars: The Last Jedi comes renewed fan debate over which franchise is better: Star Trek or Star Wars.

With Star Wars: The Last Jedi being such a huge disappointment, the pendulum may have swung in favor of where no man has gone before!

Now William Shatner takes to 4Chan to troll the users a bit!

I come here to see what’s going on and post after post is about Star Wars?

Get a life! 

With love, Captain Kirk

As it is 4Chan, the post could be an obvious fake, but William Shatner took to his official Twitter account to confirm is identity!

The original Captain Kirk William Shatner is no stranger to the Star Trek vs. Star Wars debate as when Star Wars: The Force Awakens was released, William Shatner said BB-8 is the new Jar Jar Binks, which saw John Boyega come out and tell Shatner to keep his mouth closed.

William Shatner has also called J.J. Abrams a pig for taking on both franchises, has called the Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer ridiculous, and said Star Wars was nothing more than special effects.

As it now stands, William Shatner has the last laugh, but J.J. Abrams is due to return for Star Wars: Episode IX

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