WB Dates New Christopher Nolan Movie For Summer 2017


Warner Bros. has announced a new untitled Christopher Nolan movie for a Summer 2017 release date.

WB will have full worldwide distribution rights for the untitled project, which has been given a July 21, 2017 release date.

Nolan’s previous project with WB was with Interstellar, but Paramount shared in the distribution rights.

No details are known about the new Christopher Nolan movie as the director’s projects are often shrouded in secrecy, but it’s probably safe to say it will be a large scale production on par with Interstellar and the Batman movies.

Regarding Nolan doing another DC movie, Wonder Woman actually comes out a month prior, so more than likely it won’t be another DC flick.

Marvel and Sony do have the new Spider-Man reboot coming out a week later, on July 28, 2017, so it will be an interesting showdown against Nolan.

Christopher Nolan’s latest project is the short film about the Quay brothers.

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