Viola Davis Confirms Amanda Waller For Suicide Squad Movie


Confirming an earlier rumor, Viola Davis recently spoke about playing Amanda Waller in the upcoming Suicide Squad movie.

Viola Davis recently did some press for Blackhat where she was asked about Suicide Squad.

“Not yet,” Davis replied to Nerd Report when asked if she had started to read the Suicide Squad comic books. “I have not started reading them yet. I’ve read up about her but I’m working out my schedule for Suicide Squad.

 “I’m fascinated by her,” Davids continued. “I’m fascinated by her in this world of superhero-ness because she is not a woman that you would expect. I think that she is a massive contradiction. She’s this big powerful black woman, hard, ready to pick up a gun and shoot anyone at will. I’m fascinated in exploring her psychology, just put it that way. And I’m excited to pick up a gun.”

In the comics, Amanda Waller is the government liaison in charge of the Suicide Squad, which is a group of villains coerced into working as a team.

Viola Davis joins Jared Leto as The Joker, Will Smith as Deadshot, Tom Hardy as Rick Flagg, Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn, Jai Courtey as playing Boomerang, Cara Delevingne as Enchantress, and Jesse Eisenberg is rumored to follow his Batman vs. Superman debut as Lex Luthor.

Suicide Squad has an August 6, 2015 release directed by David Ayer.

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