Trinity #1 Review


Writer/Artist/Cover: Francis Manapul
Letterer: Steve Wands
Publisher: DC
Price: $2.99
Release Date: 9/21/2016

Is it just coincidence that Francis Manapul is puling triple duty, writer/artist/covers, on his Trinity series or is there something deeper going on? Either way, fans have hit the Trifecta by picking up this debut issue!

It has been awhile since Manapul has taken on such a massive undertaking, and it has been well worth the wait! The tale is a solid one, narrated by Lois, that brings the “Big Three” to the “Smith” family farm for a night of dinner and conversation. Manapul gives each character a distinctive voice, conveying to each other that they truly do not know, nor trust in some instances, each other. His prose is quick witted and heartfelt, posing Clark and Bruce against each other on parental issues while Diana and Lois form a bond that has never been before. It is a moment that is much needed for fans to believe in, and it was done expertly.

Manapul does well as a writer but it is his artistic composition that makes this book worth the purchase. The splash pages and panel changes are spectacular! Moving from quiet moments on the back porch of the “Smith” farm to high octane action sequences, the eye is lead easily throughout and is overwhelmed by the precise execution of the layouts. And as perfect as these moments are, it is Manapul’s double-splash page’s that incorporate each heroes symbol that will leave you breathless! Hands down, it is the best rendered book of the week!

This is a must read for all of those fans clamoring for a great story and even better art! Manapul may have taken on triple duty for this series but he is an expert in them all!

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