Top Ten Comics For November 2015


Gotham City’s champion returns in Frank Miller, Brian Azzarello, Andy Kubert, and Klaus Janson’s Dark Knight III: The Master Race #1 from DC Entertainment, the best-selling comic book in November 2015 according to information provided by Diamond Comic Distributors, the world’s largest distributor of comics, graphic novels, and pop culture merchandise.

Marvel Comics was November’s top publisher with a 43.20% dollar share and a 47.65% unit share. DC Entertainment was the month’s number two publisher with a 26.35% dollar share and a 26.09% unit share. November’s number three publisher was Image Comics with an 8.67% dollar share and a 10.02% unit share. In fourth was IDW Publishing with a 4.42% dollar share and a 3.50% unit share. Dark Horse Comics placed fifth for the month with a 3.17% dollar share and a 2.69% unit share.

Marvel Comics had nine of November’s top ten best-selling titles, led by Jason Aaron and Mike Deodato’s Star Wars: Vader Down #1, the first part of their Star Wars crossover event. Also in the top ten were four debut titles from the All-New All-Different Marvel relaunch including Gerry Duggan and Mike Hawthorne’s Deadpool #1 at #3; Jeff Lemire and Humberto Ramos’ Extraordinary X-Men #1 at #5; Mark Waid, Adam Kubert, and Mahmud Asrar’s All-New All-Different Avengers #1 at #6; and Tom Taylor, David Lopez, and David Navarrot’s All-New Wolverine #1 at #10. Image Comics’ top book in November was The Walking Dead #148 at #21, Dark Horse Comics’ top book was Fight Club 2 #7 at #76, and IDW Publishing’s top book was Back to the Future #2 at #99. The top-selling non-premier comic in November was Warren Ellis’ James Bond #1 for Dynamite Entertainment.

Neil Gaiman and J.H. Williams III’s The Sandman Overture Deluxe Edition, a prelude to Gaiman’s acclaimed Sandman series from DC Entertainment, was the best-selling graphic novel in November. Marvel Comics had six titles in the top ten, led by Greg Rucka and Marco Checchetto’s Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens: Shattered Empire, the prequel to the forthcoming Star Wars film, at #2. Image Comics had two titles in the top ten, with Rick Remender and Greg Tocchini’s Low Volume 2: Before the Dawn Burns Us at #7. Rounding out the top ten, Dynamite Entertainment’s Vampirella 1969 ranked #8.

Image Comics’ J. Scott Campbell: Time Capsule 1994-2004, a retrospective of the fan-favorite artist’s first decade in comics, was the best-selling book in November. IDW Publishing’s Miracleman Artifact Edition, a lavish recreation of the artboards used by Garry Leach, Alan Davis, and John Totleben for the legendary series ranked #9 for the month.

Good Smile’s The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker: Link Nendoroid was November’s best-selling toy. Diamond Select Toys had two products in the top ten, with the Marvel Select: Deadpool Action Figure as their best-selling figure. DC Collectibles had five products in the top ten, led by the Batman: The Animated Series: Batmobile, in scale with the new Batman Animated figures, at #6.

The DC Heroclix: Superman/Wonder Woman Booster Brick from WizKids/NECA was the best-selling game product of November. Diamond Select Toys’ Back to the Future Monopoly ranked #2 for the month. Also of note, the Superfight Card Game Core Deck from Image Comics ranked #5.


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