TNT’s Titans Characters & Info Revealed


WB and TNT are bringing the Teen Titans to TV with the live-action series, Titans.

Now the Nerdist is claiming the following information based on a pilot script:

Dick Grayson

It’s said in the current draft of the script, Dick Grayson is still using his Robin identity, but will eventually become Nightwing. It’s said he is dealing with his Batman breakup by serving as a private detective in Boston. 

Barbara Gordon

Aka Batgirl; it’s said she will be wheelchair bound, but will not be going by Oracle. The current script makes her the team’s resident computer hacker.

Hank Hall and Dawn Granger

Aka Hawk and Dove; it’s said their relationship is romantic one and to expect them to be quite different than their comic book counterparts.

Rachel Roth

Aka Raven; will be the character from Geoff Johns’ early 2000’s comics.


Said to appear, along with Raven, at the very end of the pilot episode, but expect her to become a major part of the team. It’s also said to expect a love triangle, with Dick Grayson speculated and Barbara Gordon.

It’s said Cyborg and Beast Boy don’t show up in the pilot, but it’s said there is room to eventually include them. 

It’s also said that since TNT and the CW are owned by the same company, Titans could be in the same universe as Arrow and The Flash, which would mean Batman exists in The Flash and Arrow universe as well.

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