Tim Miller and Simon Kinberg Want Avengers X-Men Marvel Crossover


Both Deadpool director Tim Miller and executive producer/writer of the X-Men movies Simon Kinberg talk about the potential of an Avengers and X-Men Marvel crossover.

“I would love to some day in part heal the rift between the world of X-Men and the world of Avengers,” Tim Miller told Crave Online.

“Yeah, I think we all would,” Simon Kinberg added. “There’s so much crossover in the comics it would be neat to one day be able see those characters share a movie.”

“Kevin [Feige] is so awesome,” Miller said. “Did you see my little pizza box in one of the scenes? ‘Feige’s Famous Pizza’ — that was my little.. trying to bring these worlds together.”

“Both of us are actually quite close with Kevin and have a profound amount of respect for what he does,” Kinberg offered. “And it would be fun to all team up one day, somehow, together, if that could work.”

“I think it’s a super smart move with Spider-Man. I mean, he’s great,” Miller said.

Miller also offered a resounding “no” when asked if he would like Gwenpool (good answer).

Regarding an X-Men and Avengers crossover, the latest rumor states that it’s happening after X-Men: Apocalypse with a movie possibly coming in 2020.

It also probably helps that long time X-Men producer Lauren Schuler Donner also happens to be friends with Feige as well as the two have worked together in the past.

Keep your fingers crossed.

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