Thor’s Mom’s Husband Dan Gilroy Slams Superhero Movies


While accepting the 2015 Independent Spirit Award for Best First Feature, director Dan Gilroy’s acceptance speech gave superhero movies a quick jab.

Gilroy finished his speech with: “Independent film, the foundation and everybody here today, I think are holdouts against a tsunami of superhero movies that have swept over this industry. We have survived and we have thrived and I think that’s true spirit.”

Gilroy received the award for his directorial debut on Nightcrawler, which stars Jake Gyllenhaal.

While Dan Gilroy calls superhero movies “a tsunami,” – meaning they destroy – we guess he doesn’t mind writing them as he wrote the screenplay for Stan Lee’s Annihilator film.

Dan Gilroy also wrote Real Steel, which arguably saw robots become superheroes, as well as The Bourne Legacy, which saw Jeremy Renner as a hero with enhanced super powers.

And who is Gilroy married to? Thor’s mom, Rene Russo, aka Frigga.

You can watch the video above.

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