Terminator 6 Films In March

Terminator 6 Films In March

The Terminator is back as the sixth film in the franchise is due to start filming March of 2018.

The tracking site My Entertainment World lists the untitled Terminator 6 movie as filming late March 2018 in Budapest, Hungary and in Spain, described as an “Action / Drama / Science Fiction / Thriller.”

Deadpool director Tim Miller is helming the new Terminator movie with James Cameron on board as producer, and both Arnold Schwarzenegger and Linda Hamilton are returning.

The new Terminator movie has been described as an Arnold Schwarzenegger Terminator origin story of sorts as Cameron previously mentioned they will be exploring why the Terminators chose Arnold Schwarzenegger as their model.

The new Terminator will also be the start of a new trilogy which will introduce new characters.

“A lot of this is handing off the baton to a new generation of characters. We’re starting a search for an 18-something young woman to essentially be the new centerpiece of these stories,” James Cameron recently told THR. “And then a number of other characters around her and characters from the future. We still fold time in the story in intriguing ways. But we have Arnold’s character and Linda’s character to anchor it. Somewhere across there, and I won’t say where, the baton gets passed, so to speak.” 

The new Terminator movie has a July 26, 2019 release date.

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