Tatiana Maslany Cast As She-Hulk


After finding the director, Marvel has cast Tatiana Maslany as its choice to play She-Hulk, aka Jennifer Walters, for the Disney Plus series.

Update: Maslany denies the casting.

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Tatiana Maslany is known for Orphan Black, and Perry Mason which interestingly enough is produced by Robert Downey Jr.

Deadline offers Marvel has yet to officially confirm the news.

Regarding the director, Kat Coiro will be directing the pilot episode and executive producing, and according to IMDB will be directing six episodes of the She-Hulk series.

Kat Coiro also directed Marry Me, starring Jennifer Lopez and Owen Wilson, which is an adaptation of the indie comic book of the same name, and she has lots of TV cred as she had directed episodes of Dead to Me and It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

She-Hulk currently has no Disney Plus release date.

She-Hulk Disney Plus Marvel

She-Hulk is Hulk’s cousin

In the comics, She-Hulk is Jennifer Walters, who gets a blood transfusion from her cousin who happens to be Bruce Banner, so since she acquires his gamma-irradiated blood, Walters can transform into She-Hulk, but unlike her cousin, when transforming, she retains her original personality.

Mark Ruffalo plays Bruce Banner, the Hulk, in the MCU, so Ruffalo may also appear in the Disney Plus series.

Since She-Hulk is considered a bit more fun than her angry cousin, the Disney Plus series could be more comedic, and it is also rumored Jennifer Walters might appear in Spider-Man 3 as the lawyer for Peter Parker who, following Far From Home, has been set up as Mysterio’s killer, with his true identity revealed to the world. Prior to the coronavirus, both She-Hulk and Spider-Man 3 were set to film at the same time, so the rumors could be true.

The series joins the Marvel Disney Plus shows which also includes WandaVision, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Loki, Hawkeye, Ms. Marvel, and Moon Knight.

She-Hulk Tatiana Maslany fan art:

She-Hulk Tatiana Maslany fan art

She-Hulk Tatiana Maslany fan art

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