Taron Egerton Would Play The New Wolverine


With Hugh Jackman days as Wolverine nearing an end, Fox Studios must have some idea of where they want to take the character as well as the X-Men franchise.

It’s speculated some sort of soft reboot may be the result of X-Men: Apocalypse as Bryan Singer has already cast younger actors in the roles of Jean Grey, Nightcrawler, Storm and Cyclops. In addition, Jennifer Lawrence, Nicholas Hoult and Michael Fassbender have let it be known they aren’t returning.

So who then for Wolverine? How about Kingsman: The Secret Service‘s Taron Egerton? The 25-year-old actor turned heads in the Matthew Vaughn-directed movie that went on to make over $400 million at the box office and has spawned a sequel.

Screen Rant caught up with Egerton, who stated he would consider playing Wolverine.

[Laughs] I am a huge X-Men fan! My feeling about that is… I don’t know if I’m quite grizzly enough. My facial hair is still very thin and patchy. I feel someone who plays Wolverine potentially needs testosterone in abundance. Yeah, I’d love to have a go at it, but I don’t know. [Laughs] I don’t know. I was with Hugh the day that he announced his retirement from that role. I did joke about that very thing with him. But the phone hasn’t rang yet, my friend, so I don’t know.

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