Doctor Strange

Movie News

James Gunn Talks Captain America: Civil War & Tom Holland Spider-Man


Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn just participated in a live Facebook Q&A where he tackeled the topic of Captain America: Civil War and Spider-Man. Obviously Gunn couldn’t offer specific details, but he did state the following:

I really like the [Doctor Strange] script. What I really like is… I saw Civil War, and I think it’s incredible. I think it’s one of the best Marvel movies ever. I can’t believe what a wonderful job the Russo brothers did and the cast. Oh my, God. They are so good. So it’s an amazing film and people are going to be excited to see that come Summer time. It’s really great.

On Tom Holland playing Spider-Man:

Tom Holland is off the charts awesome. Off the charts, truly, Hand to my heart amazing.

Gunn also offered Thanos won’t be a part (or a major part?) of Guardians of the Galaxy 2 as it’s its own story. Guardians 2 starts filming in February for a May 5, 2017 release.


Almost New Years Q&A and Thanos ft. Jennifer Holland

Posted by James Gunn on Wednesday, December 30, 2015

“Captain America: Civil War” has  a May 6, 2016 release date directed by Anthony and Joe Russo starring Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, Elizabeth Olsen, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, Frank Grillo, Paul Bettany, Don Cheadle, Emily VanCamp, William Hurt, Martin Freeman and Chadwick Boseman as Black Panther.


Captain America: Civil War picks up where Avengers: Age of Ultron left off, as Steve Rogers leads the new team of Avengers in their continued efforts to safeguard humanity. After another international incident involving the Avengers results in collateral damage, political pressure mounts to install a system of accountability and a governing body to determine when to enlist the services of the team. The new status quo fractures the Avengers while they try to protect the world from a new and nefarious villain.

Movie News

Chiwetel Ejiofor Talks Baron Mordo In Doctor Strange


Up next for the Doctor Strange movie is Chiwetel Ejiofor talking about his character, Baron Mordo. Set pics seemingly revealed Mordo friends with Benedict Cumberbatch’s Stephen Strange, of which the actor addresses the nature of the character (via EW):

“In terms of his life with the Ancient One, it’s this long and intense relationship they have that’s just very deep and very connected,” says Ejiofor. “I think they both recognize in Strange this certain quality that they feel is going to be very useful in a situation they’re in — just by the nature of who he is, and the way that he operates, and the way his mind works, and the certain skill set and personality that he has. So, when they all meet, they realize that he’s somebody that can be plugged into this very surreal, interesting, sort of fascinating circumstance that they’re all in, and the dangers that they face. And so it becomes a process of assimilating him into their ways of life.”

On whether Baron Mordo is a straight up bad or good guy:

“Oh, he’s a very complex character that, really, I don’t think can be nailed down either way, you know,” the actor demurs. “I guess it’s something to experience, is what I’d say.”

Doctor Strange” has a November 4, 2016 release directed by Scott Derrickson starring Benedict Cumberbatch, Rachel McAdams, Tilda Swinton, Chiwetel Ejiofor and Mads Mikkelsen.


“Doctor Strange” follows the story of neurosurgeon Doctor Stephen Strange who, after a horrific car accident, discovers the hidden world of magic and alternate dimensions.

“Doctor Strange” is the latest film in Phase 3 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Phase 3’s goal—over the course of four years and nine films—is to introduce audiences to new heroes and continue the adventures of fan favorites.

Movie News

Kevin Feige Talks The Ancient One In Doctor Strange


With the release of the first look at Doctor Strange images came details about Rachel McAdams character, Mads Mikkelsen as the villain, Kevin Feige teasing the Time Gem, and now we hear from Kevin Feige about the Ancient One, the mentor to Benedict Cumberbatch’s Stephen Strange.

Kevin Feige told

“We’re never afraid to change. In the comic books, Jarvis is an elderly butler. In the movies, he’s an A.I. system which becomes Paul Bettany’s Vision. We are always looking for ways to change. I think if you look at some of the early incarnations of the Ancient One in the comics, they are what we would consider today to be quite, sort of, stereotypical. They don’t hold up to what would work today. Also, within the storyline of the comics, and our movie, ‘the Ancient One’ is a title that many people have had. We hit very early on on, What if the Ancient One was a woman? What if the title had been passed and the current Ancient One is a woman? Oh, that’s an interesting idea. [Clicks fingers.] Tilda Swinton! Whoah! And it just hit.”

“Look, she’s a chameleon in everything she does. She has this amazing [ability to] harness of this androgynous sense. So, we use the term ‘her’ and ‘she’ in the film but, other than that, it’s very androgynous. Because it doesn’t matter.”

Swinton also said when asked if she is playing a man or woman:

“I wouldn’t know how to answer that one. I think it’s all in the eye of the beholder.”

Doctor Strange” has a November 4, 2016 release directed by Scott Derrickson starring Benedict Cumberbatch, Rachel McAdams, Tilda Swinton and Mads Mikkelsen.


“Doctor Strange” follows the story of neurosurgeon Doctor Stephen Strange who, after a horrific car accident, discovers the hidden world of magic and alternate dimensions.

“Doctor Strange” is the latest film in Phase 3 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Phase 3’s goal—over the course of four years and nine films—is to introduce audiences to new heroes and continue the adventures of fan favorites.

Movie News

Kevin Feige Hints At Time Gem For Doctor Strange’s Powers


With the release of the first look Doctor Strange images comes details on Benedict Cumberbatch’s powers. Marvel Studios president and producer Kevin Feige offered the following to, which seems to hint the Time Gem (Infinity Stones) may be a part of the Eye of Agamotto.

“He can do a whole host of things, eventually. He does cast spells, which in the comics have very sort of tongue-twisty fun names. We don’t want to shy away from that, because that’s what makes Doctor Strange Doctor Strange. He has a Cloak of Levitation that allows him to fly, but he doesn’t fly like Superman or like Thor. It’s almost got a consciousness of its own, this cloak, which, again, gives us a superhero with a red cape — which we’ve seen a few times — but allows us to do it in a wholly unique and wholly original way. He can create these mandalas of light that he can use as shields and he can use as sort of weapons. He can create portalas that will open before your eyes that he can step through and go to other places around the world. And frankly, even in this film, we’ll only touch upon what a lot of his powers are.”

“The Cloak of Levitation [and] the Eye of Agamotto are his two signature pieces. In this film, the Eye is a very important relic that can be quite dangerous if used in the wrong hands, because it has the ability to do any number of things, the most dangerous of which is, it can sort of manipulate probabilities. Which is also another way of saying, ‘screw around with time’ — which is part of our story.”


Doctor Strange” has a November 4, 2016 release directed by Scott Derrickson starring Benedict Cumberbatch, Rachel McAdams, Tilda Swinton and Mads Mikkelsen.


“Doctor Strange” follows the story of neurosurgeon Doctor Stephen Strange who, after a horrific car accident, discovers the hidden world of magic and alternate dimensions.

“Doctor Strange” is the latest film in Phase 3 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Phase 3’s goal—over the course of four years and nine films—is to introduce audiences to new heroes and continue the adventures of fan favorites.

Movie News

Mads Mikkelsen Revealed To Be Doctor Strange Movie Villain


Following the the first look at Bendict Cumberbatch as Doctor Strange, as well as details on Rachel McAdams’ character, now it’s been revealed that Mad Mikkelsen is playing the big bad of the movie.

While the character hasn’t been specifically named, Doctor Strange executive producer Stephen Strange and Marvel Studios president and producer Kevin Feige told the following:

Stephen Broussard:

Mads is playing our main villain.

I’ve seen lots of names thrown around. No one has quite picked the name that we’ve chosen for him. It would be fun to conceal that, if we can.

Kevin Feige:

“We will take audiences through sort of a guide to the multiverse, other dimensions, and there are amazing things out there — wonders that are going to be hopefully visually extremely interesting and unique to this movie. But there are also very scary things in these other dimensions. (The article notes Feige said it is the “job of sorcerers like Strange and The Ancient One, played by Tilda Swinton, to protect humanity from such ‘scary things.’”

Mads’ character is a sorcerer who breaks off into his own sect. [He] believes that the Ancient One is just protecting her own power base and that the world may be better off if we were to allow some of these other things through.

“Doctor Strange” has a November 4, 2016 release directed by Scott Derrickson.


“Doctor Strange” follows the story of neurosurgeon Doctor Stephen Strange who, after a horrific car accident, discovers the hidden world of magic and alternate dimensions.

“Doctor Strange” is the latest film in Phase 3 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Phase 3’s goal—over the course of four years and nine films—is to introduce audiences to new heroes and continue the adventures of fan favorites.

Movie News

First Look At Benedict Cumberbatch as Doctor Strange Images & Art


Check out the first official look at Benedict Cumberbatch as Doctor Strange along with concept art.

The pics also include a look at Doctor Strange’s Mystery Room and visual art, as well as comments from Benedict Cumberbatch, Scott Derrickson and Kevin Feige.

Update: see also:

Mads Mikkelsen revealed to be villain 

Rachel McAdams character details

Kevin Feige hints at Time Stone

Benedict Cumberbatch:

“These gestures are ways of creating the magic. It’s a beautiful thing, it’s balletic, it’s very dynamic. And once the boys in the backroom get to work on it, there’s going to be crazy s–t going on.”

“There’s all sorts of craziness [in Doctor Strange]. Falling, flying, jumping, fighting, punching, getting punched. It’s really rough and tumble.”

Director Scott Derrickson:

“I’m perpetually awestruck that I’m getting to make this movie,” director Scott Derrickson tells EW of the concept art above. “I keep waiting for the knock on the door when somebody says, ‘This movie’s too weird, we can’t make this.'”

Kevin Feige:

“When this comic appeared in the early ’60s, it really informed, in a way that is pretty amazing, a lot of the psychedelic ’60s as we know it. I don’t know that they were doing anything weird in the bullpen in Marvel, but certainly the stuff they were doing inspired all those people who were doing mind-expansion experiments at the time. So, that’s inherent to the property. And that’s our mission statement for the visual effects on this movie.”

“[Benedict (seen above in concept art)] was someone that we were very interested in for a very long time. But he kept getting more popular, and more popular, and he kept getting busier, and busier, and it looked like the timing wasn’t going to work. So we looked at some other actors for a while and ultimately decided, ‘We have to try and make it work with Benedict and with his schedule.’” revealed the pics.


“Doctor Strange” has a November 4, 2016 release also starring Rachel McAdams, Tilda Swinton and Mads Mikkelsen.


“Doctor Strange” follows the story of neurosurgeon Doctor Stephen Strange who, after a horrific car accident, discovers the hidden world of magic and alternate dimensions.

“Doctor Strange” is the latest film in Phase 3 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Phase 3’s goal—over the course of four years and nine films—is to introduce audiences to new heroes and continue the adventures of fan favorites.

Movie News

Rachel Adams’ Character Details In Doctor Strange Revealed


Details in regards to the role Rachel McAdams is playing in the Doctor Strange movie have become known. has an article featuring comments from Marvel Studios president and producer Kevin Feige, executive producer Stephen Broussard, and Benedict Cumberbatch revealing Rachel McAdams is playing a fellow surgeon to Cumberbatch’s Stephen Strange; however, the specific name of McAdams’ character is not revealed:

Kevin Feige:

Rachel McAdams plays a fellow surgeon that has a history with Strange and is his sort of lynchpin to his old life, once he steps into he role of a sorcerer. She is someone he connects with at the beginning, and reconnects with, and helps anchor his humanity.

Stephen Broussard:

Rachel McAdams is sort of [Doctor Strange’s] contemporary in the modern-day New York world, before and after he goes on this crazy journey. So, she sees him before, she sees him after. She’s kind of this audience point of view.

Benedict Cumberbatch:

I’m not sure if I’m allowed to say what the interest is. But if I hit on her more than the Ancient One, put it like that.”

It’s also been confirmed that Tilda Swinton is playing the Ancient One, with Mads Mikkelsen said to be the big bad of the movie,

“Doctor Strange” has a November 4, 2016 release directed by Scott Derrickson.


“Doctor Strange” follows the story of neurosurgeon Doctor Stephen Strange who, after a horrific car accident, discovers the hidden world of magic and alternate dimensions.

“Doctor Strange” is the latest film in Phase 3 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Phase 3’s goal—over the course of four years and nine films—is to introduce audiences to new heroes and continue the adventures of fan favorites.

Movie News

Tom Holland Is On The Doctor Strange Set


Following Captain America: Civil War and prior to the standalone 2017 Spider-Man movie, could we see Tom Holland in Doctor Strange?

If the following image is anything to go by, it seems likely.

Marvel producer Louis D’Esposito posted the following image of himself along with new Spider-Man Tom Holland and director Scott Derrickson. D’Esposito also previously gave an inside look at Doctor Strange’s Sanctum Sanctorum.

A Spider-Man appearance wouldn’t be unheard of as they both share NYC as their home base.

“Doctor Strange” has a November 4, 2016 release starring Benedict Cumberbatch, Rachel McAdams, Tilda Swinton and Mads Mikkelsen.


“Doctor Strange” follows the story of neurosurgeon Doctor Stephen Strange who, after a horrific car accident, discovers the hidden world of magic and alternate dimensions.

“Doctor Strange” is the latest film in Phase 3 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Phase 3’s goal—over the course of four years and nine films—is to introduce audiences to new heroes and continue the adventures of fan favorites.

Doctor Strange featurette:

Movie News

Doctor Strange Behind-The-Scenes Set Pics


Check out a couple of behind-the-scenes Doctor Strange set images posted to Twitter.

We see director Scott Derrickson along with producers Stephen Broussard and Louis D’Esposito in addition to a look at the Doctor Strange director’s chair.

Below you can also watch the Doctor Strange featurette from the Marvel Phase 2 Blu-Ray.

Doctor Strange has a November 4, 2016 release starring Benedict Cumberbatch, Rachel McAdams, Tilda Swinton and Mads Mikkelsen.


“Doctor Strange” follows the story of neurosurgeon Doctor Stephen Strange who, after a horrific car accident, discovers the hidden world of magic and alternate dimensions.

“Doctor Strange” is the latest film in Phase 3 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Phase 3’s goal—over the course of four years and nine films—is to introduce audiences to new heroes and continue the adventures of fan favorites.

Movie News

Watch: Doctor Strange Featurette From Phase 2 Box Set


With the release of tomorrow’s Marvel Phase 2 box set comes a new featurette discussing what fans can expect from Doctor Strange.

Check out the video below featuring director Scott Derrickson, Marvel Studios president and producer Kevin Feige and more.

Doctor Strange has a November 4, 2016 release also starring Rachel McAdams, Tilda Swinton and Mads Mikkelsen.


“Doctor Strange” follows the story of neurosurgeon Doctor Stephen Strange who, after a horrific car accident, discovers the hidden world of magic and alternate dimensions.  

“Doctor Strange” is the latest film in Phase 3 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Phase 3’s goal—over the course of four years and nine films—is to introduce audiences to new heroes and continue the adventures of fan favorites.

Via USA Today:

Movie News

Doctor Strange Cast & Synopsis Revealed


With Doctor Strange already having started filming, Marvel has now released the cast and synopsis.


Marvel Studios announced today that production has begun on “Doctor Strange,” starring Benedict Cumberbatch (“Black Mass,”  “The Imitation Game”), Chiwetel Ejiofor (“12 Years a Slave,” “The Martian”), Rachel McAdams (“Southpaw,” “Sherlock Holmes”) and  Michael Stuhlbarg (“Steve Jobs,” “A Serious Man”) with Mads Mikkelsen (“Clash of the Titans,” “Casino Royale”)  and Academy Award winner Tilda Swinton (“Michael Clayton,” “The Grand Budapest Hotel”).  The film, which opens in U.S. theaters on November 4, 2016, is directed by Scott Derrickson (“Sinister,” “The Exorcism of Emily Rose”). The film will be shot in several locations around the world, including London, New York, Hong Kong and Kathmandu, Nepal.

“Doctor Strange” follows the story of neurosurgeon Doctor Stephen Strange who, after a horrific car accident, discovers the hidden world of magic and alternate dimensions.  

“Doctor Strange” is the latest film in Phase 3 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Phase 3’s goal—over the course of four years and nine films—is to introduce audiences to new heroes and continue the adventures of fan favorites.

Marvel’s “Doctor Strange” is produced by Kevin Feige with Louis D’Esposito, Victoria Alonso, Charles Newirth, Stephen Broussard and Stan Lee serving as executive producers.

Director Scott Derrickson’s creative team also includes director of photography Ben Davis, B.S.C. (Marvel’s “Avengers: Age of Ultron,” Marvel’s “Guardians of the Galaxy”); production designer Charles Wood (Marvel’s “Avengers: Age of Ultron,” Marvel’s “Guardians of the Galaxy”); costume designer Alexandra Byrne (Marvel’s “Avengers: Age of Ultron,” Marvel’s “Guardians of the Galaxy”); editors Wyatt Smith (“Into the Woods,” Marvel’s “Thor: The Dark World”) and Sabrina Plisco, ACE (“Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium,” “Charlotte’s Web”); and visuals effects supervisor Stephane Ceretti (Marvel’s “Guardians of the Galaxy”).

Based on the Marvel comic character who first appeared in “Strange Tales” Issue #110 published in July 1963, Marvel’s “Doctor Strange” continues the lineage of epic big-screen adventures chronicled in Marvel’s  “Iron Man,” “The Incredible Hulk,” “Iron Man 2,” “Thor,” “Captain America: The First Avenger,” “The Avengers,” “Iron Man 3,” “Thor: The Dark World,” “Captain America: The Winter Soldier,” “Guardians of the Galaxy,” “Avengers: Age of Ultron,” “Ant-Man” and the upcoming “Captain America: Civil War,” (May 6, 2016), “Guardians of the Galaxy 2” (May 5, 2017) and  “Thor: Ragnarok” (November 3, 2017).

Marvel Studios continued its unprecedented success this year with the May 1 release of “Avengers: Age of Ultron,” which recorded the second biggest opening weekend of all time with a $191.3 million box office. It has also been the #1 release in every country where it has opened and has grossed over $1.4 billion in global box office. On July 17, Marvel released “Ant-Man,” which has grossed to date over $518million worldwide.

In 2014 Marvel Studios released “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” and “Guardians of the Galaxy,” the top-grossing domestic film of 2014 with $333.2 million and $772.8 million worldwide. “Captain America: The Winter Soldier,” which broke the opening record for an April release by earning $95 million in its first weekend, went on to gross more than $711 million worldwide.

In 2013 Marvel produced the megahits “Thor: The Dark World” and “Iron Man 3.” The two films have earned over $644 million and $1.2 billion worldwide, respectively, since their openings. In 2012 Marvel’s critically acclaimed “The Avengers” set an all-time, domestic three-day weekend box-office record at $207.4 million. The film went on to gross over $1.5 billion worldwide, becoming Disney’s highest-grossing global and domestic release of all time.

Movie News

Scott Adkins Cast In Doctor Strange


With Doctor Strange currently filming in Nepal, it’s being reported martial artist Scott Adkins has been cast in the movie; however, the role is currently unknown.

Adkins is a fan-favorite actor who recently auditioned for the role of the new Batman, which went to Ben Affleck. Adkins has also been featured in Universal Soldier, The Expendables and The Bourne Ultimatum.

According to The Wrap, Adkins will be featured in several major action scenes featuring hand-to-hand combat.

The news of Scott Adkins getting cast in Doctor Strange will certainly bring about speculation the actor is playing Iron Fist, especially following the recent rumors of Marvel Studios said to be putting a stop to the use of the character in the Marvel Netflix series. To add to that, with Iron Fist having a supernatural background, the character would fit in pretty well with Doctor Strange, which is more than likely spearheading the supernatural side of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Doctor Strange has a November 4, 2016 release directed by Scott Derrickson.


Gotta love Thailand.

A photo posted by Scott Adkins (@thescottadkins) on


Keep on kicking #scottadkins

A photo posted by Scott Adkins (@thescottadkins) on

Movie News

Latest Doctor Strange Set Images From Nepal


Here are the latest batch of Doctor Strange set images to come out of Nepal as filming continues with Benedict Cumberbatch and Chiwetel Ejiofor.

Doctor Strange has a November 4, 2016 release directed by Scott Derrickson.

Updated: with video below.


A photo posted by @meh_rush on

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Movie News

First Look At Chiwetel Ejiofor As Baron Mordo In Doctor Strange Set Images


We’ve already seen Benedict Cumberbatch set images and video, now check out Chiwetel Ejiofor on the set as Baron Mordo.

Doctor Strange is currently filming in Nepal and has a has a November 4, 2016 release directed by Scott Derrickson.


A photo posted by Dorje lama (@_dorje_) on

Movie News

More Benedict Cumberbatch Doctor Strange Set Images


Yesterday saw our first look at Benedict Cumberbatch filming for Doctor Strange, and now more set images have hit the net.

Check them out below.

Doctor Strange has a November 4, 2016 release directed by Scott Derrickson


So, it’s official. Benedict Cumberbatch is in Nepal. 🙂

Posted by Kaagmandu Magazine on Thursday, November 5, 2015

Movie News

First Look At Benedict Cumberbatch As Doctor Strange In Set Image


The Doctor Strange movie is officially underway as filming begun and Benedict Cumberbatch has been spotted on set.

Check out the first look set pic of Cumberbatch as Stephen Strange below.

Update: More set images have hit the net offering a better look.

Doctor Strange has a November 4, 2016 release directed by Scott Derrickson.

Movie News

Michael Stuhlbarg In Talks For Doctor Strange Movie


It’s being reported Michael Stuhlbarg is in talks for Doctor Strange, though the role is presently unknown.

Michael Stuhlbarg is known for Boardwalk Empire and currently stars in the Steve Jobs biopic as Apple engineer Andy Hertzfeld.

Interstingly enough, Stuhlbarg resembles Joaquin Phoenix, who reportedly turn down a role in Doctor Strange.

Stuhlbarg joins Benedict Cumberbatch as Stephen Strange/Doctor Strange, Tilda Swinton as The Ancient One, Chiwetel Ejiofor as Baron Mordo and Rachel McAdams in an unknown role with Mads Mikkelsen rumored for the film as well.

Doctor Strange has a November 4, 2016 release directed by Scott Derrickson.

(via THR)

Movie News

Doctor Strange Will Feature An Origin Story


A while back it was rumored the Doctor Strange movie would not feature an origin story with it also put out there that Marvel was not going to do any more origin stories for their movies.

Well, Marvel Studios president and producer Kevin Feige shoots down the rumor citing Doctor Strange‘s origin is pretty cool.

“For some reason people sometimes talked about how we’re not doing an origin story, we’re bored of origin stories,” Feige told IGN. “I think people are bored of origin stories they’ve seen before or origin stories that are overly familiar. Doctor Strange has one of the best, most classic, most unique origin stories of any hero we have, so why wouldn’t we do that? That was sort of always the plan. How you tell that origin, perhaps there are ways to twist it or play with that, but for the most part, it’s a gift when the comics have something with such clarity of story and of character. That doesn’t always happen in the comics, and when it does, you use it.”

Rachel McAdams also has an unknown role in Doctor Strange, which Feige touches upon.

“She plays a very, very big part in the movie and represents a certain point of view of the worlds that we experience in that movie, but Doctor Strange, without a doubt, is the character we follow through the movie.”

Doctor Strange has a November 4, 2016 release directed by Scott Derrickson also starring Tilda Swinton as the Ancient One (Feige confirmes the Ancient One is a female).

Movie News

Rachel McAdams Confirms Doctor Strange


Having been rumored for weeks and recently confirming talks with Marvel, now Rachel McAdams has come out with it and confirmed she has been cast in Doctor Strange.

Rachel McAdams confirmed the news to The Wrap while appearing at this weekend’s Toronto Film Festival, which sees her join Benedict Cumberbatch as Stephen Strange and Tilda Swinton as the Ancient One.

McAdams’ character remains a mystery and no specific details are known; Marvel has yet to officially announce the news.

A previous report mentioned Rachel McAdams is up to play the female lead, which may be Clea, Doctor Strange’s lover and disciple.

“Doctor Strange” begings filming this Fall and has a November 4, 2016 release directed by Scott Derrickson.

Updated: with video:

Movie News

Steven Spielberg Thinks Superhero Movies Popularity Will Come To An End


Are superhero movies doomed?

If we go by Steven Spielberg’s recent statements, comic book movies are to go the way of the Western.

“We were around when the Western died and there will be a time when the superhero movie goes the way of the Western. It doesn’t mean there won’t be another occasion where the Western comes back and the superhero movie someday returns,” Spielberg told the AP, reports Yahoo.

Spielberg goes on to explain his thoughts in that he thinks super hero movies are part of a cycle, and that someone will eventually come up with something new.

“Of course, right now the superhero movie is alive and thriving. I’m only saying that these cycles have a finite time in popular culture,” Spielberg offered. “There will come a day when the mythological stories are supplanted by some other genre that possibly some young filmmaker is just thinking about discovering for all of us.”

Spielberg also previously said he feels Hollywood is headed toward an “implosion” because of the over-abundance of mega-budget movies, in which he still feels the same way.

“I do. I still feel that way,” Spielberg said.

Speaking of mega-budget movies, Spielberg was executive producer on the blockbuster Jurassic World, which had a $150 million budget of its own, and with the success of the Marvel movies, and most likely the DC movies, it doesn’t seem as if the superhero doomsday is coming any time soon.

Up next for Spielberg is the adaptation of Ready Player One in which he will direct for WB.

Just in case you are wondering, here is the DC and Marvel comic book movie list through 2020:

February 12: Deadpool (Fox)
March 25: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
May 6: Captain America: Civil War
May 27: X-Men: Apocalypse (Fox)
August 5: Suicide Squad
October 7: Gambit (Fox)
November 4: Doctor Strange

March 3: Untitled Wolverine sequel (Fox)
May 5: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
June 2: Fantastic Four 2 (Fox)
June 23: Wonder Woman
July 28: Spider-Man film (Sony & Marvel)
November 3: Thor: Ragnarok
November 17: Justice League, Part 1

March 23: The Flash
May 4: Avengers: Infinity War, Part 1
July 6: Black Panther
July 13: Untitled Fox Mystery Marvel film
July 20: Spider-Man Animated Feature (Sony)
July 27: Aquaman
November 2: Captain Marvel

April 5: Shazam
May 3: Avengers: Infinity War, Part 2
June 14: Justice League, Part 2
July 12: Inhumans

April 3: Cyborg
June 19: Green Lantern Corps

Movie News

Mads Mikkelsen In Talks For Doctor Strange Villain


Hannibal star Mads Mikkelsen is said to be in early talks to play one of the villains in the upcoming Doctor Strange Movie.

Variety reports no offer has been as of yet delivered to Mikkelsen, but one is expected shortly, and that the villain role is presently unknown.

Chiwetel Ejiofor is already signed up to play one of the villains in Doctor Strange with Baron Mordo. Tilda Swinton is also on board as Doctor Strange’s mentor, The Ancient One.

This isn’t the first time Marvel has eyed Mikkelsen as the actor was said to be up for the role of Malekith for Thor: The Dark World.

We can speculate on possible Doctor Strange villains Mikkelsen may be up for including Dormammu, Xandu, Nightmare, Mephisto, Chthon, Kaluu, Zom and D’Spayre.

Doctor Strange has a November 4, 2016 release directed by Scott Derrickson starring Benedict Cumberbatch as Stephen Strange.

Movie News

Chiwetel Ejiofor Excited For Doctor Strange


Following confirmation at the recent D23 Expo that Chiwetel Ejiofor will be playing Baron Mordo in Doctor Strange, the actor offers he is looking forward to it.

Ejiofor confirms to that he is doing the movie with: “I am doing Doctor Strange, and I’m incredibly excited about it.”

However, per the norm, Ejiofor can’t say much.

“That’s all I say,” he said.

Ejiofor did go on to mention co-stars Benedict Cumberbatch and Tilda Swintona as well.

“He’s a good friend of mine,” Ejiofor said of Cumberbatch, who costarred with Ejiofor in 12 Years a Slave. “So, it’s gonna be fun. And Tilda Swinton — I haven’t worked with her, but I’m excited to work with her. She’s brilliant.”

“Doctor Strange” has a November 4, 2016 release directed by Scott Derrickson starring Benedict Cumberbatch as Stephen Strange and Tilda Swinton as the Ancient One. Rachel Adams is also rumored for the female lead.

Benedict Cumberbatch’s Doctor Strange message from D23 Expo:

Movie News

Watch: Captain America: Civil War & Doctor Strange D23 Expo Panels


Below you can check out video of the Marvel Studios Captain America: Civil War and Doctor Strange panels from the D23 Expo.

Chris Evans and Anthony Mackie appeared on stage with Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige, and Benedict Cumberbatch offered a greeting for fans in attendance.

You can read about the Captain America: Civil War trailer footage here, and the Doctor Strange costume and art here.

Marvel also revealed new logos for Captain America: Civil War and Doctor Strange.

Movie News

New Captain America: Civil War & Doctor Strange Logos From D23 Expo

In addition to the Captain America: Civil War trailer and Doctor Strange promotion, Marvel Studio unveiled new logos for the movies, which can be checked out below.

Doctor Strange is pretty much the same as before, but Captain America: Civil War gets a slight update.

“Captain America: Civil War” hits May 6, 2016; “Doctor Strange” lands November 4, 2016.

Click for high-res versions:



Movie News

Doctor Strange Concept Art Revealed At D23 Expo & More


Update: You can watch Benedict Cumberbatch’s Doctor Strange message here.


In addition to the Captain America: Civil War trailer, Marvel revealed a special surprise for Doctor Strange.

Concept art was shown off as well as video of Benedict Cumberbatch.

Below you can check out YouTube user ShartimusPrime’s reaction to the Marvel panel as he just exited the D23 hall.

Reddit also put together the following description:

“The comics do it all, traverse these worlds, traverse these directions, and with each film we try to expand that.” He talked about Scott Derrickson, the director, and the cast including Tilda Swinton and Benedict Cumberbatch, the latter of whom sent a recorded greeting.

“I”m very lucky and excited to be playing Doctor Strange for Marvel. He’s an extraordinary character and brings in whole new multiple dimensions to the Marvel Universe. It will bring a mind-blowing experience.”

“You’re going to get girls, cars, explosions, and a bit of astral projecting into multiple dimensions – the usual fare.”

While the movie doesn’t start filming until November, they brought concept art for us to see in a video.

Narration by the director says “he’s the top neuro surgeon in the world, but has a car accident that mangles his hands. He goes on a quest looking for healing, looking to recover, and meets the Ancient One.”

The concept art shows Strange going to the far east, then being transported to, as promised, multiple cimensions. Cars flying through the air in the city, Baron Mordo fighting him, and the full on red caped look straight out of the comics.

He’s doing magic, pulling mighty magical chains, and no joke, that look was RIGHT out of the comics. Even a quick 1-second CGI shot of Strange shooting magic bolts capped it all off. Huge reaction from the crowd.

“Doctor Strange” has a November 4, 2016 release directed by Scott Derrickson.

Movie News

Watch: Benedict Cumberbatch Asks Fans Not To Record Hamlet

When you are as big as a star as Benedict Cumberbatch, just about anything you do will be recorded by the fans, which is pretty much to be expected.

However, Cumberbatch is drawing the line when it comes to his latest gig, Hamlet, as you can watch in the above video as the actor asks fans not to record the play.

Cumberbatch mentions it’s “mortifying” when he is on stage and sees red lights from cameras in the audience as it’s a big distraction and keeps him from giving the best performance possible. He also mentions that further showings of the play will be evicting fans that do record, which of course he doesn’t want to see happen.

Maybe this time, we can give him a break and save the recordings for outside the play and Marvel’s upcoming Doctor Strange?

Movie News

Doctor Strange Benedict Cumberbatch Concept Art Descriptions


Disney held a presentation yesterday in Johannesburg, South Africa where Doctor Strange concept art was shown off.

While no images have presently surfaced, Twitter users have provided the following descriptions, which hint that Benedict Cumberbatch will closely resemble his comic book counterpart.

Doctor Strange was also recently described as dark and psychedelic taking place in many dimensions.

Update: Possible concept art has surfaced (unconfirmed).

Update #2: The art below is fan-made.

“Doctor Strange” has a November 4, 2016 release directed by Scott Derrickson starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Tilda Swinton as the Ancient One.

Movie News

Doctor Strange Said To Be Dark & Psychedelic


Not much is known about the Doctor Strange movie other than Benedict Cumberbatch has been cast as the Sorcerer Supreme in addition to Tilda Swinton playing the Ancient One, with Scott Derrickson directing.

We do get a few tidbits from Ben Davis, the cinematographer on the film, from the BAFTA Masterclass in London.

Davis, who also was the cinematographer for Avengers 2 and Guardians of the Galaxy describes that Doctor Strange is set for a “dark” palette and “psychedelic grounding.” 

“It has a very psychedelic grounding, and it’s not your typical Marvel action movie,” Davis stated, reports Screen Daily, before also mentioning that his initial reaction to the movie was that it could be “Marvel’s Fantasia.”

“Most of the work within it is about other dimensions,” Davis said. “And I described it, I think, when I was talking to Marvel as Marvel’s Fantasia, in a way, because it’s so sort of out there and different to everything else that they’ve done.”

Davis also compared the imagery to the film to art by M. E. Escher, who is known for his impossible constructions, explorations of infinity, architecture, and tessellations.

“There’s a lot of previsualisation, and there’s a lot of work which is very hard – you look at it and you see the imagery that they’ve created for it and you think, ‘well how the hell do we shoot that!?’ because it’s all sort of Escher stuff. It’s all very out there. I can’t really say much more about it, I’m afraid. But I think it’ll be really interesting, and it’s a very dark movie, I’m pleased to say.

“Doctor Strange” has a November 4, 2016 release with Rachel McAdams in talks for the female lead, and Chiwetel Ejiofor is rumored to be playing Baron Mordo.

Movie News

Benedict Cumberbatch Bulking Up For Doctor Strange


Benedict Cumberbatch, known for his lean and slender look, is stated to be bulking up for his role in Doctor Strange.

According to the Daily Mail, Benedict Cumberbatch is packing on the pounds to play Stephen Strange through diet and use of a personal trainer.

It’s said Cumberbatch has doubled his daily dose of calories and is also using protein drinks.

It’s noted Benedict Cumberbatch got into shape for Star Trek Into Darkness as well.

“I did a lot of training and I did a lot of eating,’ Cumberbatch previously said about training to play Khan. “By the end I could do handstand press-ups, feet up against the wall, lowering my head to the floor and pushing up. It didn’t last long, but I could definitely do that for a week or two.”

Cumberbatch was also featured shirtless as part of a scene that was cut from Star Trek Into Darkness, which you can watch below.

Doctor Strange has a November 4, 2016 release with Scott Derrickson directing, and Rachel McAdams has been offered the part of the female lead.

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