
TV News

Bad News: Constantine Ratings Lower With New Time


NBC recently moved Constantine from a Friday 10pm ET time slot to an 8pm ET time slot in hopes the ratings would improve.

Constantine returned this part Friday, and the bad news is the ratings went down.

More than likely the reason for the drop is Constantine didn’t get the lead in from Grimm, which it usually followed.

However, Grimm‘s numbers were down as well.

Constantine‘s ratings for Friday at 8pm earned a 0.8 among adults 18-49, which is down from the 1.0 from the previously aired episode (December 12th) at 10pm ET.

The episode saw 3.08 million viewers tune in, down from the previous episode’s 3.3 million.

Executives at NBC recently hinted if the ratings didn’t improve for Constantine, the show would be cancelled.

The execs cited too many comic book shows on TV and that Constantine isn’t as popular a character as The Flash or Batman as reasons why the show wasn’t doing that well.

NBC Universal does own SyFy, which would probably be a better network for Constantine, so maybe we could see it continue on somewhere else.

TV News

Constantine Season 2 Not Guaranteed


We get some disappointing news coming out of the recent Television Critics Association press tour in regards to the future of Constantine on NBC.

IGN spoke with a couple of executives who seem to be making excuses why the show may not get a second season.

While it’s obvious that Constantine was hurt by the late Friday night time slot, NBC tries to say the reason for the show’s lack of success – at least for live viewings – is due to too many comic book TV series or the fact that Constantine may not be as well known as a Batman or Flash.

“We wish the show had done better live,” Jennifer Salke, president of NBC said. “It has a big viewership after [it airs] in all kinds of ways and it has a younger audience, but the live number is challenging. It hasn’t come out in the way we wanted it to, but we love the show. I think it’s fair to say we’re still talking about it.”

“We got on the bandwagon of these shows based on comic books and maybe there are too many of them,” added Robert Greenblatt, chairman of NBC. “It’s a popular series of comics, but it’s not The Flash, it’s not Batman. So maybe it suffers a little bit there. But as Jen said, it’s a show we really like. We love Matt Ryan, who’s the star of it. I think we did right by the fans who didn’t like the film that was made of it. The future is still up in the air for that show.”

Of course the execs are going to try and find blame elsewhere, and not on themselves for the decision of the Friday night time slot, but there may be a ray of hope in that Constantine still has a chance of a second season.

When Constantine returns tonight, the series will be featured at an earlier time starting at 8pm ET. It seems from what is stated above, if Constantine doesn’t improve in ratings for the new time slot, it will more than likely be cancelled.

For what it’s worth, the Gotham “Batman” series airs on Mondays and Flash airs Tuesdays – both at 8pm.

Comic Book News

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile for 3/20/2013

The Top of the Pile

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley


This is a “quick pick” look at the Top 5 comics that EVERYONE should be reading this week! Whether it’s rife with characterization, filled with emotional strife, has a bevy of high octane battle sequences or is just a plain ol’ great read — these books belong at the “Top Of The Pile!” (In no particular order!)


1. Harbinger #10(Valiant): The Harbinger Wars storyline begins within the pages of this very book! Our heroes are beaten and overwhelmed but all you need is Faith to get you through the toughest of times. This series is one of the most compelling, action packed and emotional stories on the shelves today so, why isn’t it on your pull list? Well, if you don’t know — what are you waiting for!



2. G.I. Joe: Special Missions #1(IDW): This used to be one of my favorite series back when I was a little DOC and now, thanks to IDW and -the legend himself- Chuck Dixon, it can be a favorite again! Centering on select groups of the “All American Heroes”, this series gets fans reconnected to the Joes and can focus on their individual talents. So, grab some gumbo and a Yo Joe Cola and get ready for some nostalgia!



3. Superior Spider-Man #6(Marvel): The most controversial series on the stands today, Dan Slott continues to push the envelope with his hero/villain tale. This issue introduces two jokester villains, Jester and Screwball, that get a kick out of mocking heroes. Too bad good ol’ Doc Ock/Spidey isn’t a fan of a joke at his expense! Plus, this issue sees the return of fan favorite Humberto Ramos on artistic chores! 



4. Constantine #1(DC): Okay, this isn’t the Hellblazer book from Vertigo that we all knew and loved, but it is the New 52 version of everyone’s favorite con man — John Constantine! What makes this series even better is the fact that it is being written by fan favorite scribe Jeff Lemire! Known for dark and completely engrossing tales, Lemire(Green Arrow, Sweet Tooth, Animal Man, Justice League Dark) is sure to get those heart rates pounding with a tale of black magic, demons and more than a little sleight of hand! Plus, no Keanu Reeves, folks!



5. All New X-Men #9(Marvel): Bendis may be missing the mark with his jaunt into the cosmic realm but this series revolving around the original X-Men traveling to the future to set things right, is pitch perfect! The juxtaposition between the past and the future, young and old, hero and villain is done with astounding ease and reminds us what great comics are supposed to look like. Mystique and Sabertooth try to sway the naive young Scott Summers to take down his future (current) self in an issue that reminds me of the good ol’ Chris Claremont days! 

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