SyFy & David Goyer’s Krypton Series Is Almost A Go


While not much has been heard as of late in regards to the David S. Goyer Krypton series other than mention it’s in development, now it’s reported the series is closer than ever to getting green lit at SyFy.

Variety reports SyFy is nearing completion of a deal on the pilot order for the Krypton series, which will be written by Goyer and Ian Goldberg.

The Krypton series is described as: “set two generations before the destruction of Superman’s titular home planet, would tell the story of the Man of Steel’s grandfather as he fights to restore the family honor of the House of El after it has been shamed.”

It’s unclear if Kryprton will be set within any of the DC TV universes, but Goyer previously hinted a connection.

Goyer is also on board Krypton as executive producer. Colm McCarthy will direct the pilot. Damian Kindler (Sleepy Hallow, Sanctuary, Stargate) will serve as showrunner.

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