Supergirl Not Crossing Over With Flash & Arrow Just Yet


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While Supergirl shares the same creators as Arrow and The Flash, it’s learned CBS doesn’t want to share, at least not just yet.

Grant Gustin as The Flash and Melissa Benoist as Supergirl both grace the cover to the latest issue of Variety magazine.

The website offers that no immediate crossovers are being planned.

“The network has said publicly at this point they’re going to keep her to themselves,” says Berlanti. “I always approach the shows as a fan first, so I would love to see (a crossover). I think in success, all things are possible. But there’s a lot that would have to happen before everybody might say yes to that.”

While Supergirl may not crossover, fans will still get their full as Arrow and The Flash will feature crossover events, which includes the new spinoff DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow.

“We do have crossovers planned,” says DC chief content officer Geoff Johns. “The point of building these three shows out on the CW network is we can make a comicbook world. That’s really the secret formula starting to emerge on television for the first time.”

“Supergirl” premieres in November on CBS.

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