Star Wars: The Force Awakens Blu-Ray To Have Deleted Scenes


It’s learned the Star Wars: The Force Awakens Blu-Ray/DVD release will feature deleted scenes.

While promoting the Stephen King John F. Kennedy time travel series, 11.22.63, J.J. Abrams told deleted scenes will be part of The Force Awakens DVD, but not an extended edition. Abrams also let it be known the length of the first cut.

“I don’t know what the longest cut was,” Abrams said. “Probably, if it were with credits, close to two hours and 50 minutes was the first cut.” (Star Wars: The Force Awakens has a 2 hour 16 minute run-time)

Some of the deleted scenes included a shot where Kylo Ren turns on his lightsaber, and a shot of Maz Kanata placing the Skywalker lightsaber into the hand of Carrie Fisher’s General Leia.

Abrams also talked about completing the movie.

“I can’t believe that it’s done,” Abrams said. “It was three years of very tense work by a lot of people. I’m just so happy that all the work that everyone did. Even the people who you don’t see in the movie – the puppeteers who were painted out, I watched them in 125-degree heat in Abu Dhabi bringing BB-8 to life, and then we mercilessly painted them out in the movie. I’m just so glad that people get to see all the work that this amazing cast and crew did. Whatever the numbers are, honestly I’m just so grateful the movie is out there and has been well received.”

You can check out a cool video here going over some of the Star Wars: The Force Awakens deleted scenes and rejected concepts.

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