Spoiler Confirmed As Reverse Flash, But There’s More


With today’s announcement that The Flash has been renewed for a Season 2 comes with it the identity of the Reverse Flash.

Dr. Harrison Wells, played by Tom Cavanagh, is the Reverse Flash.

“He’s the man in the yellow suit. Yes, I am Reverse Flash,” Cavanagh revealed during The CW’s Television Critics Association’s panel, reports EW.com. 

While Cavanagh revealed he was the Reverse Flash, executive producer Andrew Kreisberg adds something that doesn’t quite fit as he suggests there is another Reverse Flash.

“We’re going to see what happened that night [Barry’s mother was murdered] from the Reverse Flash’s point of view,” Kreisberg said. “I didn’t say it was from Wells’ point of view, I said it was from the Reverse Flash’s point of view.”

It’s possible a second Reverse Flash might be Eddie Thawne, played by Rick Cosnett, as the same episode saw the Reverse Flash hesitate in striking Eddie, and Thawne is the character in the DC comics as well.

“His name is not an accident,” Kreisberg said. “Eddie’s connection to the Reverse Flash lore is going to pay off big time in the back half of the year.”

It’s also reported that Cavanagh stated “there is just one Reverse Flash,” which has started speculation that Wells and Thawne might actually be one and the same person, with Wells a future version of Thawne (or how about from a different Earth ala “Crisis”?).

“The Flash” returns Tuesday, January 20th at 8pm ET on the CW.


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