Spencer Wilding Not In Star Wars Han Solo Movie


Last week saw it stated Spencer Wilding had cancelled a FandomFest convention appearance due to filming on a new Star Wars movie, which would be Han Solo.

This led to speculation that possibly Spencer Wilding was reprising as Darth Vader for the Han Solo movie, as Wilding played the role recently in Star Wars: Rogue One.

However, it turns out to be a mix-up, and that Spencer Wilding is not in the Han Solo movie.

Spencer Wilding took to explain the situation on his official Facebook page:

Hi guys and to all the world of fans from #Starwars there is a rumor out there that is saying am in the new #HanSolo film … wot it is I hat to cancel on a show called #Fandomfest.com state side because I am doing a #Charityvisit at a school called Cobram secondary college & a special needs school over in lovely Australia to meet all the #Awesome kids and very talented kids that they are very impressive:-) … so just to let u all no I am 100% not filming on starwars… the comic con promoters of the show put 1on1 together and got 69 lol and they just try to guess y I canceled and came up with that … so sorry guys defo not true they have removed it of there site now . Star Wars is such s huge show and it’s amazing how a rumor like that can spread so fast so we have nipped it in the bud . I can’t wait to see HanSolo as much as u lot so for now. U all keep safe out kids be careful crossing the rd and do good in school and follow them dreams and MAY THE FORCE BE WITH U xx 

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