SnyderCon: Schedule, Tickets Announced By Zack Snyder

SnyderCon: Schedule, Tickets Announced By Zack Snyder

Zack Snyder announces his SnyderCon schedule and ticket information with the event held in April which will feature screenings for his three DC movies, Man of Steel, Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice, and the Justice League IMAX screening.

Zack Snyder appeared on The Nerd Queens YouTube channel and revealed the following details including there will be panels, special guests, giveaways, and more.

The SnyderCon is being held to bring awareness to suicide and benefit the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. 

Zack Snyder directing

When is SnyderCon?

SnyderCon takes place Friday, Saturday, and Sunday: April 28-30, 2023.

Where is SnyderCon?

On Friday and Saturday, SnyderCon will take place at the ArtCenter College of Design located in Pasadena, California.

On Sunday, the IMAX screening will take place at Universal City Walk.

When do SnyderCon tickets go on sale?

Zack said he hopes that SnyderCon tickets will go on sale this Friday, March 24, and that he will announce the specifics soon.

Zack also said more then likely tickets will be sold for each individual day and not a three-day pass.

How many SnyderCon tickets will there be?

The ArtCenter College of Design theater holds 214 seats, and the IMAX theater is close to 400.

What is the SnyderCon schedule?

  • Friday, April 28: Man of Steel screening at the Art Center College of Design with a cocktail hour prior, and a Q&A panel after the screening
  • Saturday, April 29: Batman vs Superman screening at the Art Center College of Design, then time for a signing and a talk
  • Sunday, April 30: Zack Snyder’s Justice League IMAX screening (Universal City Walk) followed by a 1-hour panel

Zack Snyder announced:

  • Jim Lee is designing t-shirts for the event
  • Posters are being created
  • The vendor poster will feature the trilogy of movies
  • Another poster for the Art Center is being created that will be about the event itself and how they are screening the three movies
  • There will be fan-driven events around and outside the main event
  • They want to do giveaways including figures from the movies, are trying to get a Batmobile, giveaways in relation to the screening itself, and more is coming
  • Tickets should be on sale on Friday, March 24
  • T-shirt and poster designs will be revealed soon
  • Friday, April 28th will have some kind of cocktail hour, then Q&A panel after Man of Steel screening
  • Saturday, April 29: BVS screening, panel, then a signing and talk
  • Sunday, April 30, starts at 1PM: ZSJL IMAX screening at Universal City Walk, 1-hour long panel w/ special guests
  • Art Center has 214 seats, IMAX around 370 seats
  • Hopes for an online aspect: purchase signed posters online, some sort of live-streaming event alongside the main event and screenings, live chat with Zack Snyder as movies are playing
  • Panels will be live-streamed on Vero
  • Be sure to check Zack’s Vero and Twitter for updates and official announcements

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