Shane Black Predator Movie To Be As Big As Iron Man 3; Arnold Might Be Back


If you happen to be a fan of the Predator, you will probably be happy by what director Shane Black has to same about the new Predator movie coming out in 2018.

Shane Black explains why he decided to take on the new Predator film and cites the reason being that Fox stated they want the movie to be as big as Iron Man 3, which means more epic and a larger budget than any of the other previous Predator movies.

To put it in perspective, the 2010 Predators movie had a budget of around $40 millon, while Iron Man‘s 3 budget was around $200 million.

Fox also says they want to make Predators as eventful and important as a Ridley Scott Alien prequel.

Sounds pretty awesome. 

Here’s what Shane Black had to say via Thrillist:

They called me and I was reluctant. I said, “Look. You guys at Fox, I mean, I enjoy these movies, but we’ve been churning out these AVP whatever, they each cost a certain amount of money, they’re okay, but there’s no effort to elevate them or make them any kind of an event.” They’re just sort of another Predator. “Oh, there’s another one that came out.” They said, “What if we said to you we want to reinvent this, and really treat it with as much of an event status, or as much hoopla as we would the Alien prequel, which is coming out also? We really want to make this something. The kind of movie that people line up for.” I said, “Really, you’ll spend a bunch of money?” They go, “Yep.” I go, “Make it really scale, spectacle?” “Yep.” “Shit, that sounds interesting.”

I think the first one was great, and it was contained, and it was a perfect little gem for what it was. I think there’s an expansion that needs to take place, and also just a love for that era, that movie, and the mythology of the Predator. I think that they came to me knowing pretty much that… they said, basically, if I wanted to make Predator but treat it like it was Iron Man III instead of just another little movie. I said, “Let’s really do it right this time.”

And regarding whether or not Arnold Schwarzenegger will be back:

Still in talks, script still a secret.

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