Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman Explain ‘Deadpool’ 3 and Wolverine

Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman Explain 'Deadpool' 3

Following the big announcement, Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman release another video explaining Deadpool 3 and Wolverine.

Watch below!

On Tuesday, Ryan Reynolds announced the Deadpool 3 release date with the news that Hugh Jackman will be back as Wolverine.

Reynolds and Jackman paired up on Wednesday to release another video.

“Hi. How are you. You have questions. Yes,” they say.

“I had a lot of questions. I’m sure you had a lot of questions. Rest assured, we are going to answer them right now,” says Jackman.

Jackman continues, “For example, how is Wolverine alive after Logan?”

Reynolds answers, “Logan takes place in 2029. Totally separate thing. Logan died in Logan. Not touching that.”

Deadpool 3 and Wolverine
‘Deadpool’ 3 and Wolverine logo

Thank you Kevin Feige and MCU

Reynolds continues, “What actually happens in our film is…”

Then Reynolds is interrupted as “Jitter Bug” music plays.

The two go on to explain things, but unless you can read lips or filter out the music, it’s unknown what they are talking about but they seem to be teasing a clobber fest between the two characters.

When the music finally stops playing, Ryan Reynolds claps and they both say, “Thank you, Kevin Feige! Love you, Kevin Feige! Thank you, MCU!”

Deadpool 3 has a September 6, 2024 release date.

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