Robert Downey Jr. Announces Avengers: Infinity War New Release Date

Robert Downey Jr. Announces Avengers: Infinity War New Release Date

In addition to the Russo brothers, Robert Downey Jr. is also excited for the new release date for The Avengers: Infinity War.

Robert Downey Jr. and Marvel Studios announced the new release date for The Avengers: Infinity War in a Twitter exchange.

The official Marvel Studios Twitter account posted a GIF asking, “On a scale of one to infinity, how excited are you to see #InfinityWar on May 4th?”

Robert Downey Jr. then replied, “Any chance I could see it earlier?”

With Marvel Studios tweeting back, “Anything for you, Mr. Stark! How’s April 27th?”

Robert Downey Jr. then asked, “Great. With friends?”

Which saw Marvel Studios tweet out an image from the recent Avengers: Infinity War: “You mean these friends? @ChrisEvans @ChadwickBoseman @DanaiGurira @MarkRuffalo @DonCheadle @AnthonyMackie.”

Robert Downey Jr. then tweeted, “The entire world?”

Marvel Studios then officially announced the new Avengers: Infinity War release date, “That’s a FANTASTIC idea! Done. Avengers: #InfinityWar in theaters everywhere April 27th.”

“You guys wanted it. You got it. See you there April 27th,” Robert Downey Jr. tweeted.

The official Twitter account even got in on the fun by posting a pic of Thanos wielding the Infinity Gauntlet, “Excellent. #InfinityWar.”

Check out the tweets:

An unprecedented cinematic journey ten years in the making and spanning the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel Studios’ “Avengers: Infinity War” brings to the screen the ultimate, deadliest showdown of all time. The Avengers and their Super Hero allies must be willing to sacrifice all in an attempt to defeat the powerful Thanos before his blitz of devastation and ruin puts an end to the universe.

Anthony and Joe Russo direct the film, which is produced by Kevin Feige. Louis D’Esposito, Victoria Alonso, Michael Grillo and Stan Lee are the executive producers. Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely wrote the screenplay. “Avengers: Infinity War” releases in U.S. theaters on April 27, 2018.

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