Review: X-O Manowar #9


When a threat looms in the distance that will ultimately destroy the very fabric of your world, what do you do? Do you accept the inevitable, huddling down with your loved ones in the hopes of a savior? Do you look for solutions, rallying those of the scientific field to somehow slow down the fates? Do you pray for a change of heart in those that threaten you, leaving your future in the hands of the gods?

Or, if you’re Aric of Dacia, wielder of the X-O armor, you call down the threat and stand face to face with them. Never blinking, never questioning your abilities, you just — BRING IT ON!

That fire, that fervor, that blast of emotional rallying is exactly what Robert Venditti and Trevor Hairsine will dredge up in you with the turn of every page! It is a cavalcade of revelations, bringing things that have been brewing since issue #1 to the forefront and laying them on the table. The Vine has been embedding themselves into every aspect of the Valiant Universe and it culminates in this issue. Venditti’s prose anchors you emotionally to the tale, giving you the perfect window into all the aspects that come into play, while Hairsine’s riotous battle sequences will tantalize your senses. Where most “prelude” stories give subtle hints as to what can be expected in the upcoming arc, lulling you in with intrigue and little action; X-O #9 not only “sets the stage” it completely obliterates it! 

A mingling of high intrigue and blistering battle sequences, this issue is an all out adrenaline rush that never lets up to take a breath! So, while some other books may give you a “snoozefest,” Valiant continues to amaze and delight once again!

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