Review: X-Men Legacy #267


Christos Gage has been writing some of the best X stories out there right now, and X-Men Legacy #267 is the best yet!

A complete Avengers Vs. X-Men tie-in, and what I mean by complete is that you don’t need to read anything else in order to understand exactly what is going on in this issue! Falcon, Moon Knight, She-Hulk and their secret weapon – Iron Man – have come to the Jean Grey School to “check-up” on our mutants. But when Moon Knight strikes Frenzy in a fit of rage, Rogue takes the gloves off — literally! 

Starting right where last issue left us, the school has become a battle ground and Rogue must keep the students as safe as possible while trying to deal with the intense situation. But it’s not the exterior battle that is the must pressing one, Rogue must overcome her inner demons in order to save her friends and herself from utter destruction!

Cristos Gage makes an all out slugfest into a compelling tale of a person trying to overcome their faults in order to grow, not only as a person, but someone that others can look up to. It is a tough situation to put such a personal, and character driven piece, directly within the chaos of a battle — but Gage pulls it off flawlessly. He has developed Rogue into strong character that can finally rely on herself without having to worry about the trappings of her past failures. Making her one of my new favorite X characters! But don’t get me wrong, This book isn’t solely a soul searching character piece, there are plenty of things getting destroyed to whet the appetite of any action junkie fanboy! Especially,when Moon Knight pulls a fast one on the X-Men — can anyone say “Rogue Smash?”

Amazing art by Rafa Sandoval solidifies this tale as the best X book on the shelves this week! You want great storytelling focused on character development and utter destruction through fisticuffs — all mixed in a single book? Than you have to pick this one up!

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