Review: The Walking Dead #124


Building off of the characters big push on Sunday’s episode of AMC’s The Walking Dead, Eugene finally takes center stage this issue — with astounding results! Kirkman has been gradually making this mediocre character into something multi-faceted in the last few issues, but this is where he truly shines. Kirkman puts Eugene in a situation where he NEEDS to become a leader without hesitation, a life or death moment that portrays him with confidence akin to Rick. A moment that has completely changed the character from “brilliant oaf” to “brilliant leader” in an instant, and I can’t thank Kirkman enough for it!

Robert Kirkman wastes no time with this “feverishly” paced issue that leads to the most dire of consequences for many key characters. Besides Eugene’s transformation, we see the battle rage on between Neegan’s forces and the residents of the Hilltop. We also see the results of the wound Rick received from last issue, and NO, I will not reveal it’s end result — unless I already have in this review! 

Even though this issue is a must have for every Walking Dead fan, Kirkman’s layout and pacing is too rushed in this issue. Everything after the opening sequence seems forced upon you and it never becomes truly fleshed out, leaving too many simple questions unanswered. Questions like, “If it’s too dark to see anything, how did Dwight attack Rick?” and, “If Dwight and Neegan were together when he attacked Rick, why are they not when they follow him?” It’s the simple things that build a story and keep it cohesive, unfortunately, this issue lost some of that in order to quicken the tale to fit within it’s 12 issue parameter. But, I can see past the rushed feel of the story for the overall end result. The “big reveal” may not come as a shock but it is still shocking none the less, and it is those great build up pieces that will keep fans clamoring for more regardless of how quickly the story pushes on!

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