Review: Original Sin #1


Marvel’s next “World Changing Event” crossover is here, and whether it will truly live up to the mass amount of hype remains to be seen as this debut issue lumbers along through the motions without stirring up the overhanded “shock and awe” needed to pique a readers interest.

In a market that over floods itself with its own “leaked” information in order to drive interest in a book, we finally see how overexposure of key plot devices can harm an overall well constructed story. Jason Aaron’s tale of the murder and mutilation of the Watcher suffers from the fact that fans knew what to expect months ago. The essential shocking reveal, so desperately needed to drive the story, is lost in the mix and feels like just another page to be turned in order to see what’s next. Some may argue that the death of the Watcher is not the most important piece in Aaron’s tale, but rather, who did it and why they did it is more essential overall. Although those questions are what drives the story forward into the multitude of books to follow, it still felt as though the emotional impact was lost.

Jason Aaron’s story is still a well thought out “mystery play” that solidifies itself by interweaving subtle character moments and grandiose action sequences into a single intriguing tale. From Cap, Wolvie, Fury and Widow’s unique “meat night” sequence to the ominous Mindless One’s use of the Ultimate Nullifier, Aaron creates thought provoking character interaction that is top notch. The commingling of unlikely heroes, Punisher and Dr.Strange or Ant-Man, Black Panther and Emma Frost, takes this story from just another “Avenger themed” crossover into a multi-faceted exercise in character development that is usually lost in Marvel’s “event” books. Aaron’s choice of character grouping seems to solidify all facets of the Marvel U. and also brings a sense of fun to the pages, an almost whimsically classic feel amidst such dark parameters of the tale itself.

Mike Deodato’s art is well done and hits all the key notes on cue, although some panels seem to become muddied and facial expressions become lost when the characters are not in costume; it is well done overall. Deodato’s overall tone and thick shadowing are harmonious with the mood and scope of Aaron’s tale and help elevate it too a deeper level of intrigue.

Overall, Original Sin is a good opening number and sets the stage for what is to come. I only wish that we didn’t know so much about the overall concept prior to release. It would have been exponentially more wonderful to be surprised by the death of such a classic character if we all hadn’t already known his fate.

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