Review: Green Lantern Corps #4


A small band of Green Lanterns have been stranded on the planet Xabas, surrounded by executioners that have a far greater grasp of “will” than any Lantern — ever! All hope is lost and Guy Gardner’s interrogation of one of the murderers has proven fruitless. That is, until Guy has a surprise visitor, someone he has never met before — at least not in the New 52!

Tomasi and Pasarin continue to churn out the best Lantern book each and every month! Rife with tension and shocking revelations, issue four starts out with the pedal slammed to the floor and never lets up! Tomasi not only creates a pulse pounding atmosphere surrounding the stranded GLs, but he dives deep into the minds of those who survived the initial attack. Now back on Oa, they are dealing with survivors guilt and torturous nightmares, making these background characters so much more than just filler! And that is why this book is so good! Tomasi really focuses on the “Corps” and not just Stewart and Gardner. He makes every horrific event that has befallen our heroes that much more intense because we have a vested interest in them. Lanterns Sheriff Mardin and Isamot Kol have become two fan favorites due to Tomasi’s diligence on character development. Who would have ever thought that would occur on a book starring Guy Gardner and John Stewart?  

Plus, this issue has quite the revelation waiting for you deep inside! There is something all GL fans have wondered about at least once when reading tales of our heroes — and Tomasi gives you the answer right here! But with that answer, as rightly so, comes more questions, and I can’t wait until Tomasi and crew blow our minds once more!

You can sit around waiting for another company to stop playing games with their cosmic characters, or you can come over to DC, where they have dropped the hammer on great cosmic stories! From Mister Terrific to Green Lantern, from Stormwatch to, the best of the best — Green Lantern Corps, DC brings it every week! Fans shouldn’t be reminiscing about past adventures of their favorite heroes, they should be reading them each month! Well, don’t delay! Cosmic is here to stay, in the mighty DC way!

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