Review: Forever Evil #5




Geoff Johns has given DC fans a well executed tale that shines a spotlight on those we normally see through the eyes of the superhero. Villains tend to be a one trick pony but, in Forever Evil, we have the chance to delve deeper into certain individuals machinations as to why they do what they do and in this instance, see them as not so much villains but heroes no matter what their grand scheme may be!

So far, Johns’ mini series has been laced with some subtle and not so subtle nods to past storylines, the inclusion of Otis from Donner’s Superman, the creation of B Zero, Batman wearing the Yellow Lantern ring, this issue however forgoes those subtleties and focuses more on the all out action! The tale straddles two fronts, Luthor’s legion in Wayne Enterprises and Sinestro’s battle with Power Ring. Although Johns begins his story with Luthor’s monolog, it is the sheer viciousness and unyielding might of Sinestro that truly drives the story and in the end, leaves the Crime Syndicate reeling with the loss of a core member! 

Johns doesn’t strictly rely on death and destruction this issue either. Power plays are exchanged, roles are reversed and an uneasy alliance between Luthor’s legion and the Bat and Cat emerge. Johns creates a well played chess match that unfolds before your very eyes, one that will leave you rife with questions and an eagerness for what is next to come! My only qualm, regarding this overall story, is that it does not unfold into other DC core books to further enhance it. There have been so many interesting pieces to Forever Evil that it would only benefit by reaching into other books, besides the Justice League titles, and emerge from just an isolated mini into an epic event!

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