Review: Flashpoint #3 (of 5)


*Warning: Spoilers*


The hair on your arms stand up as the crackle of ion fills the air. There is a storm emerging from the heavens, one that can change the fate of a world with a single bolt of lightning. But the man that awaits this miraculous gift lays broken and dying, his body is frail but his will is strong. He must try again, he must save this shattered world – in a Flash!

Geoff Johns’ Flashpoint series continues to deliver on all aspects of a great story. It drips with excitement from every page, fully vesting the reader in a world and characters that we have never met before, though making us feel like we’ve been reading their stories all our lives. It keeps us on our toes with both questions and revelations, some shocking and some just downright cool (Grifter anyone!)! The art has been constantly superb, making each panel jump off the page and giving every character their own unique design for this alternate world (Grifter anyone!). But the best thing that Johns has created, is a self contained story that hints to all aspects of the overall story beyond the confines of a five issue mini series. Some tie-ins I have begrudgingly read – and most have been nothing much to talk about – but I don’t NEED them to know exactly what is going on throughout the entire world that has been created! And believe me there is plenty going on!

The government has fired Cyborg for not being able to form an army to withstand the might of Aquaman and Wonder Woman (never thought I would write that phrase!). They have also kept a veil of mystery over an alien space craft that landed years ago, one that was the first but not the last. And behind everything is Barry Allen, a man that is fighting to remember a world where super heroes stood together against the forces of evil. A world that no longer exists, but hopefully with the help of a lightning bolt and some strategic “new” friends (Grifter anyone!), will rise once more. 

This has been an awesome summer blockbuster that brings excitement back to the entire DCU! No matter what your views are for the upcoming DC Relaunch, don’t let this series slip through your fingers! It has been both exciting and fun, bringing me back to the good ol’days of childhood giddyness as you open a great issue on a hot summer day. You will love the new takes on classic characters such as Superman and Cyborg, but the most thrilling for me is the intermingling of characters that have never been used together before: Lois Lane and Grifter anyone!

So basically, get this book! And if you are a Grifter fan, like me, really get this book!

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