The Dollmaker has torn the streets of Gotham asunder — literally! Jim Gordon has been taken captive, Batman has been poisoned, and the little girl that everyone has been looking for –just might be linked to numerous deaths. This will take all of Bruce Wayne’s detective skills just to live through the night!
Tony Daniel has created THE quintessential Batman book in the DCnU. It is whip smart and honed to a razors edge, delving into the darkest depths of Gotham’s streets. The Dollmaker and his “family” are some of the creepiest creations to grace the pages of any book. Sick, sadistic and stylistically sick, they leave me wondering why this comic isn’t grouped within the DC Edge/Dark moniker.
Not only weaving an impressive tale, Daniel is equally intimidating on art chores. It is impressive how he can not only keep a book at peak performance, but on time as well. That is something fans of the DCnU have been worried about, keeping the books and the creative teams intact and on time. Well, Daniel flourishes in all aspects!
This book is shocking, creepy and utterly spectacular! Daniel has me hooked for the long haul! Get this book, turn off the lights and have a post Halloween creepfest! You won’t regret it!