Producer Charles Roven Talks Justice League and Wonder Woman


Charles Roven, producer on the likes of Christoper Nolan's Batman Dark Knight movies, Man of Steel, Batman vs. Superman and Suicide Squad offers some insights into the DCEU while chatting with THR.

Following Batman vs. Superman's poor critical reception, there was talk that Roven's role in the DC films would be reduced. Roven offers the following:

The studio made me the producer of all the DC movies, and they announced eight. When we finished the [timetable], we looked at each other and said, "This is incredibly ambitious, but we haven't taken into consideration if something goes wrong." We also hadn't decided where we were going to shoot those movies. As difficult as it was for me to commute from Toronto to London to Italy, it became really clear I couldn't do the job that I do as a producer [with Aquaman likely to shoot in Australia]. I'm for sure producing the sequels of the movies that I have made.

Roven also mentions how both Wonder Woman and Justice league will be different.

Wonder Woman is an origination story, so the whole dynamic and the plot moves are different than other DC movies. There's also a great relationship between her and the guy [played by Chris Pine] who crash-lands on her island and is the trigger mechanism for her going back to man's world.

We knew we were making a very serious, compelling, driving film with Batman v. Superman. Now the bell has been rung and the whole tone of [Justice League] is lighter.

Regarding the thought that Batman vs. Superman and Suicide Squad weren't successful commercially, Roven disagrees with the notion.

Suicide Squad made almost $750 million. Batman v. Superman did $873 million. Those two movies were huge hits.

"Wonder Woman" has a June 2, 2017 release; "Justice League" has a November 17, 2017 release, and Charles Roven is also producing "The Great Wall" starring Matt Damon, which comes out February 17, 2017.

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