Old Man Logan Concept Art For Wolverine Sequel Officially Released


First shown off at Comic-Con, now Hugh Jackman has released the concept art for the sequel to The Wolverine, which will be the actor’s last film as the berserker raging mutie.

Jackman posted the image on his social media accounts, which has the hashtag “one last time” in addition to asking fans: “As you may have heard …. It’s my last time putting on the claws. What do you want to see happen? 50 words or less. I will read as many as possible.”

At Comic-Con, it was stated Jackman’s last Wolverine movie would be “Old Man Logan,” which is the Marvel Comics storyline by Mark Millar (Kick-Ass, Civil War) set fifty years in the future where super villains band together to destroy all the super heroes.

Regarding what fans want to see from Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, the current favorite on Jackman’s Facebook is of the suit and mask (assuming yellow) as the comment has over 4,500 likes, which reads: “the suit and the mask bro, the suit. please.”

The untitled Wolverine sequel has a March 3, 2017 release with James Mangold returning to direct. It’s also been said Patrick Stewart may reprise one last time in the movie as Professor X.


As you may have heard …. It’s my last time putting on the claws. What do you want to see happen? 50 words or less. I will read as many as possible. #ONELASTTIME

Posted by Hugh Jackman on Monday, July 27, 2015

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