No Mark Strong For Green Lantern Reboot (Video)


Probably the best part of the Green Lantern movie was Mark Strong’s portrayal of Sinestro as well as the post-credit tease.

With Zack Snyder and WB relaunching Green Lantern, MTV caught up with Mark Strong and asked if there is a chance he may return.

Strong says with a reboot happening, he is sure they are going to go with a whole new look and different group of actors.

As of now, the new Green Lanten movie is still a ways off as it’s due to be released in 2020.

It’s also specualted we’ll see the new Green Lantern in the 2017 Justice League movie, but regarding just which GL will be featured is currently unknown as it could be Hal Jordan, John Stewart or even Kyle Rayner.

The only rumor surrounding Green Lantern was mention that Chris Pine might be up for the role; however, that rumor seems to be squashed as it’s recently been said Pine is up to play Steve Trevor in the Wonder Woman movie.

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